1 1 Metadata for the Norwegian outward FATS
2 1.1 Which of the following approaches best describes the methodology adopted to produce outward FATS population? The statistics is based on Statistics Norway’s own collection of reports on investment abroad, which is a joint collection with direct investment abroad (outward FDI) A compulsory sample survey, and the sample size was: 571 reporting units in 2009
3 1.2 Please provide information regarding the methods used (e.g. the sampling frame, sample design, statistical registers used, linking of different sources etc.). Total population frame is unknown, and we do not have administrative registers to help us with information on Norwegian enterprises abroad. Sources used: linking of different administrative registers/surveys, annual reports, information from the media, Internett etc., EGR The sources are also used to map the Norwegian ultimate owner country. In 2009 we had a sample of 571 Norwegian enterprises, and in 2010 we had a sample of 861 Norwegian enterprises which were surveyed.
4 1.3 Please provide information regarding Business Register for statistical purposes for OFATS (Qualities of the business register in your country (for group of companies)) The Business Register (BR) in Statistic Norway is one of the sources we use to search for OFATS target population, but it will not provide us with a total frame on Norwegian companies abroad. It lacks complete information on group of companies abroad. In addition to the BR we have to look at the annual reports. We do not use private databases. 1.5 Please provide information use of private databases for your target population
5 1.6 Please provide information of the use of EuroGroupRegister for OFATS We tried to use EGR for reference year 2009, but had an early version of the reference year In the early version we discovered a lot of errors in the EGR. We tried to match the statistical units in EGR with our OFATS survey, but this was a difficult task since name of the statistical unit was the only link. We will look at EGR for information on new reporting units. For the large Norwegian companies we already have good information, but for medium and small companies we hope EGR will provide us with better target population in the future. It is important that the UCI is defined correctly, and that FATS statisticians is consulted in this matter. We discovered 21 group which in EGR reference year 2010 were incorrectly defined as global decision centre -> UCI = NO.
6 1.7 Please provide information regarding use of possible cut-off thresholds, both for reporting units and for statistical units We survey all known reporting units, but we have not a "total" OFATS population. There are no administrative register that can give us this information at this time. No grossing-up is conducted. We are interested in other countries work on how to gross up the OFATS data to the whole economy.
7 1.8 Please provide information regarding issues with consolidated data The reporting unit is asked to supply us with information on each foreign affiliate, but some reporting units delivers consolidated figures. It is difficult to estimate the extent, but when discovered we usually contact the company and try to split the data. The main method to detect misclassification errors is by manual revisions of the data, including comparing reported data with the year before.
8 2.1 Is the UCI approach applied to identify the relevant population of reporting units? (For data transmission to Eurostat and national data publication) Yes, for both data transmission to Eurostat and national data publication. In the OFATS/OFDI survey we sample some reporting units which do not have UCI=NO. This information is for FDI purpose, and is not a part of the OFATS statistics.
9 2.2 Which are the main data sources used to identify the reporting units (UCI’s), (several sources are possible)? The following administrative sources: Controlled transactions (transfer pricing) Publicly available sources (e.g. mass media or annual reports) EuroGroupRegister (EGR)
Please attach your OFATS survey questionnaire The statistics are based on Statistics Norway's own collection of reports on investment abroad, which is a joint collection with direct investment abroad (outward FDI). The reports provide information about the foreign enterprises, including what the Norwegian enterprise owns, accounting information on investment and revenue, and information on turnover and employment.
The following employment variable was number of persons employed (16110)