PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER 2008 - Brest1 ECMAR Association European Council for Maritime Applied Research Prof. Gerhard Strasser Director Schiffbautechnische.


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Presentation transcript:

PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER Brest1 ECMAR Association European Council for Maritime Applied Research Prof. Gerhard Strasser Director Schiffbautechnische Versuchsanstalt in Wien GmbH | Vienna Model Basin Ltd

PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER Brest2 ECMAR Family History ECMAR Association has a long history:  It originally started in 1953 as ICSR the International Cooperation in Ship Research  It changed its name in 1988 to ECMAR – European Cooperation in Maritime Research  In 2003 the EU project EVIMAR – European Virtual Institute for Maritime Research set up a company EVIMAR A/S  In 2007 the old ECMAR and EVIMAR A/S decided to establish the ECMAR Association.

PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER Brest3 ECMAR Family History

PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER Brest4 Role of ECMAR 1.External:  ECMAR and its members are an interface between academia (basic research) and producing industry.  ECMAR members provide awareness of advance technologies and are multipliers of technologies.  This makes ECMAR an ideal candidate to contribute to the definition of future research areas. (-> Research Agenda) 2. Internal:  Improve the present situation of research(ers) –Collaboration of researchers –Coordinate member’s interests towards the Commission

PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER Brest5 ECMAR Activities

PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER Brest6 ECMAR Membership ECMAR currently has 23 members:  ABS, AKER Arctic, BMT, BSHC, CEHIPAR, CETENA, CMT, CTO, DST, FORCE, HSVA, INSEAN, ICEPRONAV, Lloyds Register, MARIN, MARINTEK, SIREHNA, SSPA, SVA, SVA-Potsdam, Safety at Sea Ltd, TNO-CMC, VTT.

PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER Brest7 ECMAR Association ECMAR  ECMAR is a non-profit making foundation, based in Brussels. Its office is on the 5 th Floor of Rue du Commerce, 20-22, B-1000 Brussels, close to the centre of Brussels.  ECMAR’s Acting Director is Tony Morrall of BMT Group Ltd.  ECMAR’s website is

PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER Brest8 ECMAR Association ECMAR Participation in Europe  ECMAR (both the old ECMAR and more recently the ECMAR Association) have participated in Maritime Industries Forum (MIF) since its inception in 1992, it has also participated in the industry Support Group of the Technology Platform WATERBORNE, and the EU Coordination Action- ACMARE.

PROMARC Kick-Off Meeting 16 OCTOBER Brest9 ECMAR Participation in PROMARC  WP1Investigation of national and EU schemes to promote maritime transport sector MM  WP2Skill Shortage and Demand - 0.5MM  WP3Promotion of research opportunities in the maritime transport sector - 0.5MM