Data Protection Act (1984, 1998)
2 Data Protection Act There are many organisations which hold personal information about individuals Examples: Loyalty Card Schemes Doctor / Dentist Banks Schools Police
3 Data Protection Act The Data Protection Act (1998) states that organisations which store personal information must register and state the purpose for which they need the information
4 Data Protection Act DATA CONTROLLERS The people and organisations who store and process personal data DATA SUBJECTS The people on whom data is being stored
5 Data Protection Act DATA MUST BE: Processed fairly and lawfully Processed for limited purposes Adequate, relevant and not excessive Accurate Not kept longer than necessary Processed in accordance with the data subjects’ rights Kept secure Not transferred to any country outside the EU without similar legislation
6 Data Protection Act THE INDIVIDUAL HAS THE RIGHT TO: View the data stored about them Have the data changed if it is incorrect There is usually a fee of £10 to be paid to view your records You have to provide proof of identity You should receive an answer within 40 days
7 Data Protection Act THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS: You cannot see data being held on you if it is being collected to: Prevent a crime Ensure National Security Calculating Taxes and VAT
8 Data Protection Act EXEMPTIONS FROM THE ACT: Some organisations do not have to register to hold data: Not for profit charities Data held for personal or family use Data held to calculate wages or taxation Sports clubs (if not a limited company)