Report on Japanese Activity Hidenori Shinoda JIRA
1 st Demo of IHE-J We had the first demo of IHE-J at JMCP (now JRC) in Kobe between April 4 and to 50 audiences joined to a tour each time. Two integrated systems were shown. Each had one clinical scenario. –Scenario 1: Emergency exam for a trauma patient –Scenario 2: Multiple exam orders from multiple practices
Participants for the demo Scenario 1 –Fujitsu (ADT & Order Placer) –A&T (Lab System) –Toshiba (Order Filler, PPS Manager, Image Manager, Archive, & Viewer) –Konica (Acquisition Modality) –Fuji Film (Acquisition Modality) –Shimadzu (Image Viewer) Scenario 2 –NEC (ADT & Order Placer, & Image Reference) –Yokogawa (Order Filler) –Toshiba (Acquisition Modality) –Canon (Acquisition Modality) –Climb (Image Manager, Archive, & Viewer) –Hitachi Medico (Report Creator & Viewer)
A scene of tour
Next steps Video Demo and Workshop at Modern Hospital Show in July 2 nd Demo at JAMI (Japan Association of Medical Informatics) Conference in November Educational Seminars in July and October
Grand design for Integrated Delivery Network issued in December It stated; –HL7 and DICOM were essential standards for the healthcare information system. –IHE-J would be a project for popularizing the standards. –60% of hospital with more than 400 beds and 60% of clinics would have equipped with electronic health record in five years. –EDI system would be widely used in five years.
Issues raised A Japanese rule requires description about stresses by exercise or drug during exam. There is an agreement of putting a signature on the radiation dose record with a local government. There is an opinion of the necessity of the push model of MWL. Because hospitals in Japan want the flexible modality operation and frequently change scheduled exam rooms and then, they want a RIS to push worklists to the modality after schedules changed. Usually a RIS has the schedule database.
Other news HELICS Board required us to propose DICOM 2001 and put into the approving process as a national standard. Japanese privacy rule is now on discussion at the diet. People in the journalism are against the rule. Because they feel the rule will bring a limitation to the right to know.