Copyright & Fair Use of Images Chrisie Fuller ITEC 7445
What are Copyrighted Images? The protection given to any created image or work from being copied or distributed without permission. All images are immediately given copyright to the creator when the image is created.
What is Fair Use of an Image? The legal right to use copyrighted images as long as they are used for educational, research, non- profit, scholarly, or personal purposes or as long as the images benefit the public good in some way.
What Types of Images are Protected by Copyright and Fair Use? Photographs Maps & Globes Maps & Globes Illustrations Charts & Diagrams
What Should We Know When Using Copyrighted Images? For Fair Use: Single works may be used in their entirety, but no more than five images by the same artist may be used. For Fair Use: Transform or repurpose the image to create a new purpose or meaning. For Fair Use: Use the image in a fact- based context or publication that benefits the public (i.e. newspaper).
Scenario #1 An art teacher wants to use an image of a Van Gogh painting to illustrate a specific technique in class as part of the lesson plan.
Is This Permissible ? Yes, the art teacher is allowed to use the image according to Fair Use. Images may be used for teaching and educational purposes.
Scenario #2 A World History teacher wants to scan and use thirty images by a specific photographer to represent Western culture and politics during a particular period in history.
Is This Permissible? No, the history teacher is not allowed to use all of the images. The amount of images used goes beyond that which is construed as justified according to Fair Use, which is a limit of five images used by the same artist or photographer.
Scenario #3 An English teacher has assigned his students to use images of photographs or art works from museums to create a poster about the book they have just finished reading as a class. Students can use multiple images or use image software to manipulate the images.
Is This Permissible? Yes, the English teacher and students are within Fair Use because the images are being used for the purpose of education and those students that choose to do so are also transforming or repurposing the images to create a new purpose or meaning.
References Copyright Clearance Center. The campus guide to copyright compliance. Retrieved July 6, 2015, from Newbold, C. (2014, July 14). Can I use that picture? The terms, laws, and ethics for using copyrighted images. Retrieved July 6, 2015, from Stanford University Libraries. Copyright and fair use. Retrieved July 6, 2015, from Technology and Learning. Copyright and fair use guidelines for teachers. Retrieved July 6, 2015, from UsebyTechnologyandLearning.pdf