Participatory Process The worth and dignity of the individual and faith in democratic processes. The worth and dignity of the individual and faith in democratic processes. The right of self-determination. The right of self-determination. The ability of individuals, groups and communities to change. The ability of individuals, groups and communities to change. The processes of interaction as an instrument to effect change. The processes of interaction as an instrument to effect change. The desirability of improving relationships among individuals, groups, neighborhoods, communities and organizations. The desirability of improving relationships among individuals, groups, neighborhoods, communities and organizations. That the end result cannot be divorced from the means. That the end result cannot be divorced from the means. That an orderly process is essential and compatible with desirable change in value systems and social institutions. That an orderly process is essential and compatible with desirable change in value systems and social institutions. That in democracy, participation of people from all walks of life is essential in reaching appropriate decision. That in democracy, participation of people from all walks of life is essential in reaching appropriate decision.
Principles Participatory process and content Responsive Proactive Integrated Comprehensive Multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary Empowering Developmental
Tools Transect walk Historical profiling Timeline Seasonal Calendar Risk mapping Hazard Mapping Social mapping Capacity- resouce mapping Venn diagramme
Photo Courtesy: RedR
Stakeholders Local representatives and leaders NGOs, CBOs and charitable trusts SHGs and cooperatives Local Govt employees Community volunteers in Govt programmes Corporate sector Volunteers and youth leaders VULENRABLE GROUPS
Benefits Identification of multiple structural and non structural measures for preparedness and mitigation Real needs and priorities are addressed Allows rapid and effective response to disasters Ownership and commitment for individual and collective action Cost effective- community mobilises resources Higher replicability Strengthens social cohesion and cooperation Integration of DM into local developmental planning process Builds confidence leads to empowerment
Concerns in participatory approach Illiteracy and poverty Illiteracy and poverty Time concerns Time concerns Community dynamics Community dynamics Community mobilization Community mobilization Conflicting interests within community Conflicting interests within community Democratic processes v/s Majoritarianism: consensus building Democratic processes v/s Majoritarianism: consensus building Short term urgency v/s long term priority Short term urgency v/s long term priority Making it sustainable- changing priorities Making it sustainable- changing priorities Funding for structural measures Funding for structural measures Political environment: consensus building v/s lobbying and advocacy Political environment: consensus building v/s lobbying and advocacy Donor concerns- about effectiveness Donor concerns- about effectiveness Agency/ donor priorities v/s expressed needs Agency/ donor priorities v/s expressed needs Measuring impact of participation Measuring impact of participation
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