AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Democracy
Democracy Basic Definition: System of selecting policymakers and of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preferences
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Democracy Famous Quote about America: Government of the people, by the people, and for the people From? Gettysburg Address
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Traditional Democratic Theory Key principles that specify how governmental decisions are made in a Democracy
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Traditional Democratic Theory According to political scientist Robert Dahl (Yale) The ideal democratic process 5 criteria should satisfy 5 criteria
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Traditional Theory ~ 5 Criteria (1) Equality in Voting “ One person, One vote” Does not have to be... Universal But must be... Representative
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Traditional Theory ~ 5 Criteria (2) Effective Participation Citizens must have Adequate and Equal opportunities to express their preferences
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Traditional Theory ~ 5 Criteria (3) Enlightened Understanding Marketplace of ideas Freedom of Speech & Press are essential If one group monopolizes and distorts information, Citizens cannot truly understand
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Traditional Theory ~ 5 Criteria (4) Citizen Control of the Agenda Collective right to control the government’s Policy Agenda the issues that attract the attention of public officials and other people involved in politics at any given time
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Traditional Theory ~ 5 Criteria (4) Citizen Control of the Agenda Problem: If one group has influence beyond its numbers (of people represented) Citizen control of the Agenda will be distorted
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Traditional Theory ~ 5 Criteria (5) Inclusion Government must include and extend rights to All. Citizenship must be open to all within a nation if it is to call itself Democratic.
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Fundamental Principles MAJORITY RULE When choosing among alternative policies The desires of the Majority should be respected
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Fundamental Principles MINORITY RIGHTS The Majority should not be able to do ANYTHING it wants Especially if what it wants to do seriously infringes on the rights of the Minority
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Fundamental Principles REPRESENTATION In a LARGE SOCIETY Direct political involvement by all is impossible. Solution? Use of people to represent others in governmental decision making.
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Contemporary Theories An Important & Basic Question WHO REALLY GOVERNS? 3 Contemporary Theories... * Pluralist * Elite & Class * Hyperpluralism
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Pluralist Theory Groups with shared interests influence public policy by pushing for decisions that respond to their concerns. Essentially optimistic that the “public interest” will eventually prevail through a process of bargaining and compromise.
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Pluralist Theory “all active and legitimate groups in the population can make themselves heard at some crucial stage in the process” We are a “nation of joiners” Robert Dahl Alexis de Tocqueville 1830’s
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Pluralist Theory Have Americans reduced this tendency to be “joiners” & members of groups? Robert Putnam (Harvard) 2000 Technology has isolated people. We are more involved in self-defined ways instead of in groups
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Elite & Class Theory Society is divided along class lines Upper class elite will hold significant power Wealth is the basis of this power The wealthy can afford to finance election campaigns & control key institutions such as corporations
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Elite & Class Theory “The people who own the country ought to govern it” John Jay 1 st Chief Justice
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Elite & Class Theory “Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of Congress” Andrew Jackson 7 th President
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Elite & Class Theory “The 1980’s were the triumph of upper America – an ostentatious celebration of wealth, the political ascendancy of the richest third of the population, and a glorification of capitalism, free markets and finance”. Kevin Phillips Nixon strategist
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Hyperpluralism Groups are so strong that Government is weakened Resulting in an extreme form of Pluralism In a sense, groups treat government as their servant
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Hyperpluralism Groups push for their own policies at whichever level and branch of government may result in policies they favor Create “battlegrounds” at National, State & Local levels in Executive, Legislative, & Judicial branches
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Democracy Hyperpluralism Governments respond to all groups Creating policies that are confusing, contradictory & muddled... The “public interest” is rarely well served