Chapter Six: “Air Carriers” Part One Marketing Logistics
1903 Wright Brothers Flight
1918 U.S. Army starts air mail service.
1903 Wright Brothers Flight 1918 U.S. Army starts air mail service. By 1921 mail was being delivered coast-to-coast in 33 hours.
1903 Wright Brothers Flight 1918 U.S. Army starts air mail service. By 1921 mail was being delivered coast-to-coast in 33 hours. First airline, Aeromaritime, flew Miami-Havana-Nassau.
Important Airline Developments 1925 Kelly Act provided mail contracts to subsidize airlines. Subsidized airlines started in –Boeing Aircraft Company. –National Transport Company. From Airline History
Important Airline Developments 1925 Kelly Act provided mail contracts to subsidize airlines. Subsidized airlines started in –Boeing Aircraft Company. –National Transport Company. These eventually merged into United Airlines From Airline History
Contemporary Airline Industry
Industry is dependent upon passenger revenues.
Contemporary Airline Industry Industry is dependent upon passenger revenues. Small amount of significant air freight.
Contemporary Airline Industry Industry is dependent upon passenger revenues. Small amount of significant air freight. –High-value. –Perishable. –Emergency.
Contemporary Airline Industry Industry is dependent upon passenger revenues. Small amount of significant air freight. –High-value. –Perishable. –Emergency. Logistics as a system concept should lead to growth in air freight.
End of Part One.