Action Plan Template Intel ISEF 2009 Educator Academy May 2009 CALIFORNIA
2 California ISEF Affiliated Counties Affiliated Proposed Affiliations
3 High Level Goals Long term goals (3-5 Years) –Find sustainable funding for support of Affiliation –UC, Cal State to encourage Science Fair type inquiry research as part of their Credentialing Program –Institute Professional Development in Science Inquiry Teaching Short term goals (1-2 Years) –Become an Intel ISEF Affiliated Fair –Address the CA State Fair perceived barriers on becoming an Intel ISEF Affiliation Fair
4 Objectives Measures of success –Continued presence of LA, Orange, Kern, and RIMS (Riverside, Inyo, Mono, & San Bernardino Counties, at ISEF 5 years down the road –Highly competitive projects from the above mentioned counties.
5 Action Plan – steps to meet your goals and objectives ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible? By when? Propose to Science Fair Governing Board Intel ISEF Affiliation Having 2 Finalist from LA, Kern, and RIMS counties at San Jose ISEF Margery, Cindi, and Rick May/June 2009 Encourage UC Teacher Trainers (SMI, CSMP) to advocate Science Fair type inquiry research as part of their Credentialing Program Have at least a workshop incorporated into Credentialing curriculum Melina2012 Looking for long term Funding Sources Students are funded for ISEF 2010 and beyond AllOngoing Share with the Greater Los Angeles Teachers Science Association (GLATSA) the MA’s “Teaching through Science the Inquiry Process” (TSIP) To get GLATSA to adopt TSIP as part of a PD program MargerySummer 2010 Set up a Meeting with all Southern California Counties Science Fair Directors (Kern, LA, OC, RIMS, SD) Continued conversations between all SoCal County Science Fair Organizations MelinaJune
6 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Reflection - To be done Thursday As a result of your participation in the 2009 Educator Academy, reflect on your experience. –Being able to interact with the students. The enormous power that people have to influence their organizations/academic atmosphere. Three steps to improving systemic science education & science fair participation. Shop talks on grant writing. –We would like to see shop talks on grant writing, and locating funds and resources.