Adapted from Understanding by Design Academy, Seattle, WA, July 2001 presented by Jay McTighe, ASCD. Think “Scrapbook” versus “Snapshot ”
Key Concepts for Stage 2 ALL assessments should all be a ligned to your goal and understandings Rubrics and scoring should reflect your alignment Multiple assessments should be used (collect a “photo album” of your kids’ skill mastery and understanding: Performance Task and Other Evidence) Assessments should target the Six Facets of Understanding.
Six Facets Explanation: Demonstrating understanding Interpretation: Making Sense Application: Performing Perspective: Analyzing or inferring Empathy: Assuming a role Self-Knowledge: Understanding my own understanding
Essential Question: What does it mean to lead a healthy life? Students will understand the elements of good nutrition. Students will understand that a balanced diet contributes to a healthy life. “ You are what you eat!”
Sample Performance Tasks A. Family Meals: Students work in cooperative groups to evaluate the eating habits of a hypothetical family whose diet is not healthy and make recommendations for a diet that will improve the Nutritional value of their meals. B. Nutrition Brochure: Students create an illustrated brochure to teach younger children about the importance of good nutrition for healthful living and the problems associated with poor eating. This task is completed individually and is evaluated with a criterion list.
Defining Desired Results
Enduring Understandings “Enduring” understanding Important to know & do Worth being familiar with
UbD: What are is your Unit about? Teacher: Constitution and Three Branches of Gov’t UbD: What are the desired results of the Unit? Teacher: Understanding the Three Branches of Gov. and their functions. UbD: What’s your reason for teaching these facts? If your students really did understand the content, what would they then see and do differently?
Constitution and Three Branches Students will understand: How our gov. is organized so no single group will have too much power as power can corrupt. Our gov. was organized long ago, in a way that protects us from unfair abuse of power, preserves the democratic process, and effects our lives every day.
Make Comparisons OBJECTIVE Identify tangible products related to the home and the classroom in both the students’ and target cultures. UNDERSTANDING Learning another language will open the door to a new culture. Language and culture are inextricably linked.
A Simple Starter Having studied X, my students will come away understanding Y and being able to do Z.
Big Ideas Worth understanding Important to know& do Worth being Familiar with Choosing Assessment Types Traditional quizzes& tests paper/pencil selected-response constructed response Performance tasks Projects, cornerstones open-ended complex authentic
Corner Stone cornerstone (n): 1. the first stone laid at a corner where two walls begin and form the first part of a new building. 2. something that is fundamentally important to something
Anchor the curriculum around important, recurring tasks. Require understanding and transfer of learning. Provide evidence of authentic accomplishments. Cornerstone Assessments
Ways to Craft Performance Tasks… … using GRASPS Goal Role Audience Situation Product/Performance and Purpose Standards or Criteria for Success
Goal “Your task is ….” “The goal is to….” “The problem/challenge is….” “The obstacle(s) to overcome is (are)…”
Role “You are.…” “You have been asked to….” “Your job is….”
Audience “Your client(s) is (are)….” “The target audience is….” “You need to convince….”
Situation “The context you find yourself in is….” “The challenge involves….”
Product/Performance and Purpose “You will create a…. in order to….” “You need to develop …. so that….”
Standards or Criteria for Success “Your performance needs to….” “Your work will be judged by….” “Your product must meet the following standards….” “A successful result will….”
Key Concepts for Stage 2 ALL assessments should all be a ligned to your goal and understandings Rubrics and scoring should reflect your alignment Multiple assessments should be used (collect a “photo album” of your kids’ skill mastery and understanding: Performance Task and Other Evidence) Assessments should target the Six Facets of Understanding.