First Amendment Quiz #1
#1 The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment Allows us to speak freely in a public place Allows the government to establish an official religion Prohibits student silent prayer in school Gives us the separation of church and state
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#2 The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment... Protects or freedom of religion as long as we don’t break laws Allows people freedom of speech Gives us the separation of church and state Prohibits offensive speech
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#3 The Market Place of Ideas theory of speech... calls for the elimination of offensive speech allows the government to censor speech. calls for fighting speech with speech, rather than censorship. allows us to worship as we please as long as we don't harm others.
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# 4 Which action will most likely to be permitted by the Supreme Court? A public school teacher wears a shirt to school that says “Go to Church” A school requires all students to pray at the start of each day. A student silently prays in class A student leads a prayer over the loudspeaker before each class.
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#5 A place traditionally used for free speech is known as a what? Private Property The Internet Public Forum Community Discussion
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#6 Giving a speech would be an example of Symbolic speech Censored Speech Pure Speech Symbolic speech
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#7 Speech that incites a riot would fall under this limitation of free speech. Clear and Present Danger Fighting Words Obscene Speech Speech in Special Places
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#8 Which can’t the government regulate in a public forum? Manner Time Place Content
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#9 Mr. Grode makes everybody kneel down and say a prayer before today’s test. This would be a violation of what clause of the first amendment? Freedom of Religion Clause Establishment Clause Marketplace of Ideas Clause Free Exercise Clasue
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#10 Threats fall under this limitation of free speech. Fighting Words Commercial Speech Defamation Obscenity
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