Synchrotron radiation at eRHIC Yichao Jing, Oleg Chubar, Vladimir N. Litvinenko
Outline Introduction of eRHIC and its vacuum chamber. Synchrotron radiation (SR) in ARCs (power and flux). Neutron generated by SR penetration through chamber. Preliminary synchrotron radiation (SR) in IRs. Summary. EIC RD workshop 2012
eRHIC : an upgrade of RHIC EIC RD workshop 2012 Add e- accelerator to the existing $2B RHIC
eRHIC layout and e- beam parameter EIC RD workshop 2012 eRHIC is a multi-pass energy recovery linac. In routine operation, the electron beam will be accelerated to its top energy at 30 GeV then collide with ion beams. Energy, GeV30 Bunch charge (nC)0.5 Beam current (mA)12.6 Polarization80% Peak luminosity (cm -2 s -1 ) 1 X Machine parameters for top energy:
eRHIC ARC and chamber design Courtesy of M.Mapes EIC RD workshop 2012 Energy, GeV Dipole strengths, T Beam current, mA Different passes of beams (diff energies) are separated vertically. Asymmetric chamber design prevents back scattered secondary particles from influencing e- beam. Cooling channels are placed where synchrotron radiation power is highest. Outside of ERL
SR calculation setup EIC RD workshop 2012 e- beam offset (cm) 6.5 Distance from radiation (m) 6.05 Incident angle(mrad) 19.9 To the first order, e- beam’s trajectory is determined by dipole magnets thus should be paralleled to vacuum chamber. The synchrotron radiation is emitted in the tangential direction at the point where electrons are bent in dipoles. The distance of SR travels before it reaches vacuum chamber and the electron beam properties (energy & current) determine its power density and spectral flux on the chamber. Distance >> source size (e- beam size) Far field!!
Heat load and spectrum for 1 st stage eRHIC (5 – 10 GeV) Heat load on vacuum chamber: For E = 10 GeV, I = 50 mA, dP/ds = W/mm. For E = 5 GeV, I = 50 mA, dP/ds = W/mm. EIC RD workshop 2012 Photons with relatively low energy (< MeV’s) are generated. Can be stopped by chamber.
Heat load on vacuum chamber: For E = 30 GeV, I = 12.6 mA, dP/ds = 2.02 W/mm. For E = 20 GeV, I = 50 mA, dP/ds = 1.58 W/mm EIC RD workshop 2012 Heat load and spectrum for full stage eRHIC (20 – 30 GeV) Photons with large energy (> MeV’s) are generated. Can penetrate chamber and induce severe background if not shielded.
EIC RD workshop 2012 How photons behave in chamber? (power attenuation) Power decays exponentially (attenuation length) into chamber. Higher energy photons have longer attenuation length thus can penetrate longer distance before losing power. Overall power can be absorbed with a 1 or 2 cm thick Al chamber. Some high energy photons can still penetrate!!
EIC RD workshop 2012 How photons behave in chamber? (spectral attenuation) Low energy photon flux drops dramatically – can easily be shielded. The remnant of high energy photon (a few times of critical photon energy) could be problematic. For 10 GeV, the total number of esaping photons in entire tunnel is 5.7e-5 ph/sec. For 30 GeV, it is ph/sec!! Need additional shielding for 30 GeV!
Neutron generation in chamber EIC RD workshop 2012 Photons travel in Al chamber can induce process: Cross section of such photonuclear reaction is: Courtesy of A. Tonchev Integrated with the photon flux: Total number of neutron rate is 1.1e-6 n/sec.
Situation at interaction region (IR) Courtesy of D. Trbojevic Quadrupole triplet: 1 st : B 1 =45.65 (T/m); 2 nd : B 1 =-42.8 (T/m); 3 rd : B 1 =36.67 (T/m). EIC RD workshop 2012 Synchrotron radiation from strong quadrupoles depends on particle position within the beam. Radiations from different positions overlap and add up incoherently to the final spectrum. We have to track every macro particle’s trajectory and integrate the wave front among all particles. Intense computation!!
Particle trajectory matching (SRW) Beam envelope is matched with quadrupole kicks to Interaction point in SRW macro particles with initial random gaussian distribution were tracked along beam line in paralleled python code based on SRWLIB. EIC RD workshop 2012
Photon IP Higher energy photons have smaller radiation cone – more concentrated. Flux decays exponentially with amplitude. However, it’s not negligible at large amplitude (>4 mm). Collimators and possible secondary emission need to be calculated further using GEANT4 or FLUKA. Line power density is estimated to be ~ 50 mW/mm, much less than in the ARC’s. Power dissipation is not a big problem. EIC RD workshop 2012
Photon IP (cont’d) When photon energy is low (wavelength is long compare to magnets’ lengths), single electron emission features can be observed (with peaks at 1/γ). When photon energy is high, the cone of radiation has a very small opening angle that all photons follow the beam trajectory (a very small spot at IP). SR patterns come from incoherently overlapping and averaging over all electrons. Deeper interpretation is needed about the background. EIC RD workshop 2012
Same as previous plot but iteration stops at early stage (fewer macro particles). Particle trajectory can be clearly viewed from synchrotron radiation. At low energy, cone is big so radiation overlaps each other and smears out. At high energy, cone is so small that radiation follows beam trajectory and focus to a small spot. Most overlapping happens at the center which leaves a bright spot. 10 keV 100 keV 500 keV EIC RD workshop 2012
Photon s = 10 m EIC RD workshop 2012
Summary We calculated the power and spectral distribution of synchrotron radiation at eRHIC for both ARCs and IRs in synchrotron radiation workshop (SRW). For first stage eRHIC (5 – 10 GeV), Al vacuum chamber is capable of preventing photons from escaping. For top energy operation (30 GeV), additional shielding is needed to stop high energy photons (~ MeV). Neutron generation through photonuclear reaction is negligible. Complete study of synchrotron radiation in IRs is a work in progress. Future studies of secondary particle emission and background requires additional simulation tools like GEANT4 and/or FLUKA. EIC RD workshop 2012
EIC RD workshop 2012
EIC RD workshop 2012