Need estimates of prevalence? Objective answers by asking? Yes SURVEY Good Poor EXPLORATORY or SECONDARY RESEARCH FOCUS GROUPS Understanding of problem Overview of Research Methods No
Nature of survey research ◦ People naturally do what they do; ◦ you measure this through self-reports ◦ most typically in the form of interviews or questionnaires 6/3/2016Marketing Research3
6/3/2016Marketing Research4 Timing ◦ Past (“Retrospective”) ◦ Future (“Prospective”) Agent ◦ Yourself (“Self Report”) ◦ Others (“Informant”)
1. Rates of occurrence Product purchase, product interest, media use 2. Examines relationships Between the cause (Independent Variable) and the outcome (Dependent Variable) 6/3/2016Marketing Research5
1. Quick and easy ◦ When fast info is needed 2. Standardized ◦ Offers consistency 3. Flexible ◦ Can get most any type of info in a variety of ways 4. Measuring a natural phenomenon ◦ People behave naturally, you merely measure that. 5. Qualitative OR quantitative information ◦ Numbers or words 6. Can examine subgroup differences ◦ e.g. separate analyses for gender or product experience 6/3/2016Marketing Research6
1. Respondent Problems ◦ Self-selection (non-response) bias ◦ Response bias Social desirability bias Acquiescence bias 2. Administration Problems Sample selection error (Data) processing error Interviewer error Cheating or falsifying data Unconscious cues 6/3/2016Marketing Research7
3. Many participants needed 4. Cannot prove causation 5. Limited time and complexity for phone 6. Limited visuals for many survey forms 7. Does not measure actual behaviour 6/3/2016Marketing Research8
Cross-sectional ◦ “One shot” ◦ Cohort: ask different people each time (same survey new sample) Longitudinal ◦ More than one shot Panel: ask the same people at different times 6/3/2016Marketing Research9
Person administered surveys Self administered Computer aided or administered 6/3/2016Marketing Research10
Face-to-face: Door-to-door (in-home) Mall intercept, Executive (in office) Telephone interview: traditional, computer-assisted 6/3/2016Marketing Research11
6/3/2016Marketing Research12
Self-administered: ◦ Mail surveys ◦ Drop-off questionnaire ◦ Fax surveys Computer administered: ◦ survey ◦ Web based (Online panels such as Zoomerang) 6/3/2016Marketing Research13
14 Precision Quality of Data Desired/Required How the Data Will be Used Budget (Cost/Benefit Ratio) Questionnaire Length Time to Complete the Survey Cooperation/Response Rates Determining the Survey Method