Four Year Research Project Review Basha High School
Let’s Review the Next Four Years
Freshman Year Research Proposal Objectives: Choose a topic—something that aligns with your passion and your gifts Do preliminary research Create a “game” plan
Sophomore Year Annotated Bibliography Objectives: Research so you become an expert on your topic Refine your topic EVALUATE sources—don’t look like a fool! Connect research to your ultimate goal
Junior Year Research Paper Objectives Incorporate research into academic writing Demonstrate your prowess, your knowledge, your passion to help! Generate an understanding of your connection to the topic
Senior Year THE Project Objectives To assume the authority, control, and leadership of a serious project To build real world skills (communication, organization, management, action) To create something that endures—your positive actions have immortality!
FAQ’s Can I get $$ to support my idea? Yep! You can apply for a grant Can I change my topic? If there was ever a time—sophomore year is the time to do it. Remember: be practical, think about the project down the line, consult your teacher. What if I don’t have a research proposal (I’m new to BHS?) Your teacher will “fast-forward” you through the process. Then you will jump in with your peers.
You CAN make a difference! tak.html tak.html Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach.