Bay Area Environment and Mobility: Forging A Link Therese McMillan Deputy Executive Director, Policy Metropolitan Transportation Commission Women Energy Associates May 15, 2007
Forging A Link For the Challenge Ahead: Milepost Climate Change
Source: U.S DOE World Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Source: BAAQMD Bay Area Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Source: MTC The Bay Area 2020 Challenge
1st Post-War Rail System in United States
Leader in Hybrid Plug-In Technology
Trailblazer in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Transit
Pioneer in Linking Transportation and Land Use
Possible 2020 Strategies Smart Cars Smart Driving Smart Transit Smart Growth
Infrastructure Bonds aren’t the only, or last, word Elements of Bond complement other investments –Highway –Transit –Trade MTC looking to leverage Bond with other Funding Prop 1B Contributions
Prop 1B and Prop 1C Synergies: –Smart Transit: Resolution 3434 TOD Policy –SMART Growth F0CUS Environment / Mobility Coordination
MTC’s TOD Policy: Key Transit Corridors existing rail corridors Proposed BRT Proposed rail corridors Proposed ferry terminals
TOD Policy - Housing Requirements Transit TechnologyMinimum Housing Threshold Equivalent Net Densities BART/ Heavy Rail3850 avg per station units/acre Light Rail3300 avg per station40-80 units/acre Bus Rapid Transit2750 avg per station30-60 units/acre Commuter Rail2200 avg per station20-50 units/acre Ferries750 avg per terminal units/acre
FOCUS Project: A Regional Partnership Led by sister agency - ABAG Voluntary local gov’t partners TOD + Housing near Job Centers Regional Commitment to Provide Incentives Local commitment to expedited housing approval Initial map of priority areas Oct 2007 Led by sister agency - ABAG Voluntary local gov’t partners TOD + Housing near Job Centers Regional Commitment to Provide Incentives Local commitment to expedited housing approval Initial map of priority areas Oct 2007
SourceAccountFunding (Millions) Prop 1C - Housing Bond Regional Planning, Housing and Infill Incentives $850 Transit-oriented Development$300 Housing-related Parks$200 Prop 84 – Parks Bond Urban Greening$90 Urban Forestry$20 Local and Regional Parks$400 Planning Grants and Loans$90 TOTAL NEW BOND FUNDING$1,950 New CA State Bond as Addt’l Incentives
2009 Regional Transportation Plan Starting first with regional land use vision Transportation projects to support vision Financial realities for new transit expansion Addt’l incentives for priority areas – potholes, transit, rehab, others? Growing a Bigger Carrot?
Therese McMillan Deputy Executive Director, Policy