HSE Mental Health Division Mental Health Division Health Service Executive Advancing Mental Health in Ireland
Services Provided Mental Health Services Adult Acute In Patient 1,000+ beds 60 Child and Adolescent Acute In patient beds 120 general adult CMHTs 60 child and adolescent community mental health teams 27 psychiatry of old age community mental health team 70 Day Hospitals for adults and older people 100 high support community residences 185 medium and low support residences nationally 93 in patient beds in the National Forensic Service specialist community mental health teams 2
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Vision and Mission VISION – to support the population to achieve their optimal mental health through the provision of a quality service, driven by continuous improvement MISSION – to promote and protect the mental health of the population by providing safe and effective services through the most efficient use of allocated resources and capabilities
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Vision & Mission Evidence & Recovery Safety Service Users Positive Mental Health Engaged Staff Our Strategic Priorities
National Office National Director Head of Planning & Performance Specialist Head of Quality and Patient Safety Specialist Quality Specialist Risk and Patient Safety Specialist NOSP Head of Service User Engagement Head of Ops and Service Improvement Specialist Ops, Forensic & CAMHs Specialist Ops Senior Operations Mgr Clinical Advisor & Clinical Program Lead Director NOSP Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Finance ICT HR Comms Business Mgr
Policy and Governance Mental Health Act Mental Health Commission A Vision for Change ‘Reach Out’ – suicide prevention strategy Government Support and Funding Partnership within the Health Services and the NGO Community C and AG – best use of taxpayers money Advancing Mental Health in Ireland
890 posts + €90 million invested €35 million 2015 Closure of Asylums and CMHTs A Vision for Change Removing variation Ensuring compliance Increasing SOPs Standard Model of Care Listening Meetings 30 locations participants Service User Involvement Our Current Operational Priorities
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland National Strategic Framework #littlethings campaign Mental Health Promotion + Suicide Prevention Improving access to in-patient and community based services Reducing unhelpful variation CAMHs Placing quality and patient safety at the core of service delivery Quality and Patient Focus Recruitment ICT Internal alignment and organisation Effective Use of Resources CHO Structure Our Current Operational Priorities
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Current Challenges Ongoing Investment to continue development of services 2015 and beyond & capacity to draw down same Recruitment of required staff in terms of number and skills (particular issues currently re: Consultants & Nursing staff) Ongoing Reconfiguration of Services in Line with A Vision for Change Training on the Safety and Incident Management policy Mental Health Division National Incident Learning and Support Team Development of a Standard Approach to Serious Untoward Incidents Increasing in-patient capacity Improving access to community based teams Reducing waiting times Reducing numbers of children admitted to adult units Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service Improvement Increasing capacity Improving prison In-reach Development of new Central Mental Hospital Capacity of National Forensic Mental Health Service 9
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland New Development Posts 2014 ISACAMHSDietetics Gener-al Adult Rehab & Recovery MHID Home- lessLiai-sonPOA Grand Total Carlow/Kilkenny/ Sth Tipp Cavan Monaghan Cork Donegal Dublin North City Dublin South Central Dublin Sth East Wicklow Dublin SW Kildare West Wicklow Midlands Galway Roscommon Kerry Louth Meath Mayo Mid West North Dublin Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan/SouthDonegal Waterford Wexford Grand Total
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Service User Participation 11 Build capacity of service users, families and carers to influence the design and delivery of mental health services by identification and delivery of the required training interventions. Develop mechanisms for the participation of service users, families and carers in the decision making processes of mental health services at local and national levels.
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Evidence and Recovery Models of care Establish the three existing Clinical Programmes Develop initiatives across Health and Wellbeing, Primary Care and the ICGP Develop more secure therapeutic environments for those who meet the criteria for section 21.2 of the Mental Health Act Improve responses to service users with complex needs currently managed through external placements Develop and agree processes for integrated working within the mental health service sub-specialities, and with the other Divisions and TUSLA Project Partnership with Genio 12
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Clinically Effective and Safe Services Incident management system Management of aggression and violence Reconfiguration of CMHTs and assign team co- ordinators CAMHs service improvement + seed CAMHs community forensic mental health team Eating Disorders – increase bed capacity Build on the investment on specialist community based mental health services – homeless mentally ill, MHID Maintenance of Jigsaw services 13
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Positive Mental Health Integrated Health Promotion Teams – Healthy Ireland Implement Tobacco Free Campus Policy Progress actions from national strategies – All Ireland Traveller Health Study and Substance Misuse Strategy Progress #littlethings campaign Implement new Strategic Framework for Suicide Prevention 14
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Keeping Active Talking about your problems Doing things with others- Eating healthily Staying in touch Drinking less alcohol Looking out for others Sleeping well #littlethings campaign
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Based on Real Stories
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Engaged Staff and Fit for Purpose Infrastructure Develop Workforce Plan and Strategy Equitable Resource allocation Address infrastructure and support deficits for staff ICT infrastructure 17
Advancing Mental Health in Ireland Immediate Actions Implementation of MHD Operational Plan 2015 Finalisation of Area CMH plans and priorities Process re Allocation of new €35m in line with NSP with DOH involvement Accountability Framework and Performance Management Implementation 18
Key Transformation Challenge “We do not underestimate the challenge involved in transforming Ireland’s mental health services. The transition from the old psychiatric institutions requires massive structural and cultural change. The greatest challenge is to ensure the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of the institution do not transfer into the community...” Mental Health Reform, Manifesto Advancing Mental Health in Ireland
Partnership at work How can we work together to address the challenges of transforming the mental health services? Advancing Mental Health in Ireland
Thank you for your time today 21