CSEC Environmental Stewardship Subcommittee Key Issue Areas Discussed by the Subcommittee: a.Conservation Land Acquisition b.Wetland Protection c.Stormwater & Water Quality d.Sewage Treatment & Landfills e.Coastal Issues f.Air Quality
Environmental Stewardship Subcommittee A. Conservation Land Acquisition –1.Raise NWFWMD to 1.0 mill –2.Support renewal of Florida Forever –3.Consider developer incentives - density bonus, conservation easements, etc. B. Wetland Protection –1.NW Fla. Land Trust - regional land trust system –2.Adopt Escambia ordinance as model C. Stormwater & Water Quality –1.Stormwater facilities as amenities –2.Challenges of retrofitting –3. Increase retention requirements from 1/2 ” to 1 ”
Environmental Stewardship Subcommittee D. Sewage Treatment & Landfills –1.Eliminate all sewage discharges into surface waters –2. Create water re-use infrastructure. –3.Encourage central wastewater systems E. Coastal Issues –1.Protect coastal habitat and communities –2.Incentives for maintaining natural shorelines F. Air Quality –1.Incentives for protecting trees –2. Carbon sequestration –3. Encourage bike and pedestrian use