Lake County Watershed Management Board Funding Program Mike Prusila, CFM, Watershed Planner
Lake County Watershed Management Board (WMB) Primary Role: Serve as a forum for the coordination and allocation of resources, to contribute to basin planning projects, and to solve interjurisdictional watershed issues. Make recommendations to SMC on financial, institutional, and programmatic aspects of the drainage system and stormwater management services.
Funding Goals Primary: Flood Damage Reduction Secondary: Water Quality Improvement Ecosystem Restoration Education Projects required by permit not eligible
Cost-Share Requirement Minimum 50% applicant cost share requirement Cash In-kind services Combination Could be made up of several jurisdictions and/or use federal or state funds $150,000 total available for last 3 years, divided into 4 watersheds (Fox River Watershed last year received $25,840).
WMB History Began as 4 separate boards in 1995 Fox River Des Plaines River North Branch of the Chicago River Lake Michigan Now operates as one countywide board
WMB Membership Chief Elected Officials Villages Cities Townships Active Drainage Districts County Board Members Fox Waterway Agency CEO Delegates of the above
WMB Project Types Planning Engineering Analysis Alternate Solution Evaluation Design Capital Construction Maintenance & Repairs
Project Selection Project funding recommendations to SMC are made based on consensus agreement by the participating members and delegates. If a clear consensus cannot be reached, then all positions expressed by WMB members and delegates are presented to the SMC.
Application Process Annual Application Schedule Request for Proposals in July/August Proposals due in September/October Staff recommendations to WMB in December WMB recommendations to SMC in January Grant agreements done in March
Project Prioritization Criteria Benefit multiple jurisdictions (25%) Beneficial results for up to 100-year flood event (20%) Alleviate structural flood damages (15%) Reduce surface water quality problems using BMPs (15%) Benefit environment w/emphasis on non-structural natural resource protection strategies (10%)
Project Prioritization Criteria (cont.) Alleviate major nuisance flooding (5%) Provide multiple use benefits such as recreation, public education, data collection, etc. (5%) Utilize state and/or federal funding as much as possible (5%) Bonus points for greater than 50% applicant cost share (5%)
Watershed Management Assistance Grants (WMAG) Specialized type of WMB grant with primary purpose of supporting growth and sustainability (i.e., organizational capacity) of local watershed partnerships in Lake County. $10,000 is set aside for these applications with no cost-share requirement.
U.S. EPA State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) SMC may receive special appropriations for projects and/or planning Awarded through the U.S. EPA State and Tribal Assistance Grant program U.S. EPA will match up to 55% of project costs through STAG program SMC issues RFP at county level to solicit local projects and partners
U.S. EPA State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) Projects may include: Stormwater system improvements & retrofits Stream channel & floodplain improvements Streambank and shoreline stabilization Wetland enhancement Requires local match of at least 45% (cash or in-kind)
U.S. EPA State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) SMC ranks proposals, applies to U.S. EPA for approval STAG funds are usually allocated to multiple projects Typical allocation $20K-$100K per project
U.S. EPA State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) May use local or State grants as match (WMB or C2000) Cannot be matched with other Federal funding sources (319, NFWF) Other caveats: Not a regular source of funding for SMC projects Can be a lengthy process (up to 2 years for approval, more for actual construction) Project area may be geographically limited (e.g., DPR)
SMC Contacts for WMB Des Plaines River and North Branch of the Chicago River watersheds: Christine Gaynes Fox River and Lake Michigan watersheds Rasto Vrazda