1 NASA In Transition Presented to the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee Meeting No. 96 Harbour Town Resort Hilton Head, SC October 19, 2005 Herman A. Rediess, PhD NASA Headquarters Washington, DC
2 NASA Changing New Administrator - Mike Griffin –New Deputy - Shana Dale nominated New Associate Administrators –Exploration Systems - Scott J. Horowitz –Space Operations - William Gerstenmaier –Science - Mary Cleave –Aeronautics Research - Selection in process New Center Directors –Langley - Lesa B. Roe (former Deputy) –Glenn - Woodrow Whitlow named
3 NASA Priorities Space Exploration ($3,165.4M*) –Safe, sustained and affordable human and robotic exploration of the Moon, Mars and beyond –Exploration architecture announced Space Operations ($6,763M*) –Space Shuttle - return to flight –International Space Station Science ($5,473.3M*) –Earth-Sun system, Solar System, Universe Aeronautics Research ($852.3M* decreasing to $717M by 2010 ) –Return to fundamental aeronautics research * FY 06 budget request
4 Aeronautics Research Mission (Airspace Systems (Aviation Safety (Fundamental Aeronautics (National Assets
5 Changes from FY05 FY05 –Airspace Systems –Aviation Safety and Security –Vehicle Systems –Foundational Technology Planned for FY07 Base R&T Program University Research Program Aeronautics Test Program All Programs refocused or restructured, some elements canceled FY07 –Airspace Systems –Aviation Safety –Fundamental Aeronautics –National Assets Totally restructured Integrated Reduced No security New approach FY06 a transition year Facilities
6 Aeronautics Research Philosophy Return to fundamental aeronautics research –Maintain and strengthen in-house expertise Mastery of core competencies in aeronautics across all flight regimes –Maintain research facilities as National assets Research projects to be proposed by disciplinary experts at Centers in 9 to 11 areas –Multi-year research plans defined at Center workshops –Any university research to be included in proposals Continue support to JPDO No major demonstration projects identified
7 Aeronautics Foundation Fundamental Physics & Modeling Disciplinary Level Capability Multi-Disciplinary Capability Systems Design Requirements/Needs Technologies