Circuit Simplification Truth Table Minimized Logic Gates
Where We Are… Can represent a circuit's output with Boolean expression: AB + AC
Where We Are… We can simplify boolean expressions AB + AC A(B + C)
Where We Are… Thus we can simplify circuits AB + AC A(B + C)
Truth Table Truth table defines Boolean function – When in doubt, check the truth table…
Proof By Exhaustion AB AB
DeMorgan's Theorems
DeMorgan's Break up solid bar by switching operation:
Sum Of Products
Multiple Inputs
SOP Circuit
Implication 1 Can build circuit from SOP expression: Any circuit can be build with NOT, AND & OR
And… Can make NOT, AND & OR with only NAND NOT ANDOR
Implication 2 Any circuit can be build with NAND gates only…
Implication 2 Replace NOT with NAND
Implication 2 Put inversion bubbles out of AND & into OR – 2 negations cancel out
Implication 2
SOP Circuit Can build circuit from SOP expression… … but can often do better…
Multiple Outputs Multiple outputs – Each output separate function/circuit INOUT ABXY
Multiple Outputs Multiple outputs – Each output separate function/circuit X = AB INOUT ABXY
Multiple Outputs INOUT ABXY
Logisim Build simplified circuit from truth table… – Window Combinational Analysis Build truth table for circuit… – Project Analyze Circuit