RELS 225 Agenda Attendance Brainwashing Movie: Ticket to Heaven Homework for Next Time
BrainwashingBrainwashing? Brainwashing Brainwashing? Brainwashing Comprehending Cults Chapter 5
Ticket to Heaven Ticket to Heaven Ticket to Heaven Ticket to Heaven How does this movie’s presentation match the process presented by believers in brainwashing? 1. Use social-psychological techniques of influence 2. recruiters taught to target and approach recruits 3. recruiters taught to be deceptive 4. potential recruits are pressured to signing up 5. new recruits are not left alone 6. recruits are kept busy, and underfed with little sleep 7. activities take place in isolated environments 8. recruits are "love-bombed" 9. recruits do "confessional" activities 10. recruits are subject to sensory deprivation 11. recruits are subject to hypnosis 12. recruits’ identity is transformed.
For Homework For Thursday’s 12:45 class on Peoples Temple Read “The Apocalypse in Jonestown” (on Moodle) Read “Peoples Temple” in your reader. For Monday’s 11:15 class, on chapter 6 Chapter 6 summary on Moodle