Outbreak Presentation Template All red text, and text with in [brackets] provide guidance and should be replaced or removed. Template may not fit for every outbreak in every setting, but can provide general guidance on where to start.
Outbreak of [Salmonella Saintpaul] infections, [United States] [August 1- November 25, 2008] ***Data are preliminary and subject to change; not for distribution. ***
[Salmonella] Overview [1.2 million illnesses and 400 deaths annually] [Many different sources] – [Meat, poultry, produce, processed foods, animal contact] [>2,500 serotypes of Salmonella enterica]
Outbreak Identification [August 1, 2008] – [Health department received phone call reporting cluster of 8 persons ill with diarrhea] – [All 8 cases reported similar food exposure] – [Laboratory testing confirmed all cases were infected with Salmonella Saintpaul]
Table 1. Cases of [Salmonella Saintpaul], as of [August 25, 2008] Case Definitions: Probable case definition: – person with [Salmonella Saintpaul] infection, – residing in [Location] – with illness onset (or isolation, if onset date unknown) on [April 1, 2008 – present] Confirmed case definition: – person with [Salmonella Saintpaul] infection, – residing in [Location] – with illness onset (or isolation, if onset date unknown) on [April 1, 2008 – present] Case Counts: [1442] confirmed cases from [5] municipalities, [300] confirmed cases from [5] municipalities, Range of Onset Dates Reported onset dates range from [April 16] to [August 11, 2008] Clinical Features Hospitalized: [286 ] Deaths: [0 ] MunicipalityConfirmed Cases Probable Cases Total [Munic 1] [Munic 2] [Munic 3] Total Outbreak Overview
*percentage based on number of cases for whom outcome is known Table 3. Patient outcomes for cases of [E.coli O157:H7] infection of [August 25, 2008] Table 2. Demographics for cases of [Salmonella Saintpaul] as of [August 25, 2008] Break down into age categories as appropriate for the outbreak (i.e., if it’s not helpful to look at all age categories, don’t do it for the sake of doing it) Provide age and gender in demographic break-down. For age, use range and median (unless age is normally distributed, then use average, ( n=54 ), (n=44) Can include other important clinical outcomes associated with the cause of the outbreak, for instance HUS for an outbreak of E. coli O157.
26-75 cases 5-25 cases 1-4 cases AR 21 AZ 59 CA 16 CT 5 FL 4 GA 42 ID 6 IL 120 WI 13 KS 21 KY 2 MD 39 MA 31 MI 28 MO 20 NH 6 NJ 16 NM 106 NY 41 NC 28 OH 10 OK 38 OR 11 PA 15 RI 3 TN 10 TX 559 UT 3 VA 31 VT 2 WA 18 IN 21 DC 1 NV or more cases Cases infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Bareilly United States, by state, as of : [Date], (n= [Count]) ME 1 MN 31 AL 8 SC 2 IA 2 LA 3 WV 1 MS 2 MT 1 CO 17 NM 115 Categories and key should be relative to size of outbreak; categories should make sense If possible make a map of the outbreak. It can include case counts, or even better attack rates (Number of cases per susceptible population).
Confirmed and Probable cases of [Salmonella Saintpaul], by date of illness onset, [Location], [Date Range] (n=[1414] for whom information was reported as of [DATE]) Date of illness onset Number of persons NM Media Release (May 31, 2008) Nationwide alert on tomatoes (June 7, 2008) CDC warning on Jalapeño, Serrano peppers (July 9, 2008) Mark important events Could also be broken into possible and confirmed cases
Public Health Response Measures taken to reduce the impact of the outbreak included: – [Improving the medical services provided to case-patients] – [Recalling the contaminated food from stores] – [Improving public awareness through radio announcements and presentations at community health centers]
Outbreak Conclusion [1742] cases of [Salmonella Saintpaul] infection were identified. [The majority of cases were female, aged years] Circumstances that may have promoted the outbreak of infections include: – [Contaminated Peppers used to make hot sauce] [Public health measures likely prevented additional illness]