Medical Terminology Abbreviations Week 1
A & P Anatomy and Physiology Anterior and Posterior
bid Twice a day
cath catheter hollow tube inserted into a body cavity to instill or remove fluids
D & C Dilation and currettage surgical procedure. cervix is dilated (widened) and the lining of the uterus is scraped away Dilation and currettage
EKG or ECG Electro- cardiogram Electrical recording of the heart
FBAO Foreign body airway obstruction
GB Gallbladder Organ found below the liver. Stores bile.
H & H Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Hemoglobin: Amount of iron in the blood. Hematocrit: % of solid to liquid in the blood
I & D Incision and Drainage
KUB Kidneys, ureter and Bladder
LAP Laparotomy Cut into the abdominal cavity
MOM Milk of Magnesium A laxative
NG Naso- gastric Nose, stomach
od Right eye
pc After meals
Review I love my A & P class! Anatomy and Physiology
Insert cath before GB surgery. Review Insert cath before GB surgery. Catheter gallbladder
Review EKG, H & H in the am. electrocardiogram Hemoglobin and hematocrit
Review I & D lession rt arm. Incision and drainage right
Review KUB x-ray today. Kidney, ureter, bladder
Review Schedule exploratory lap on 8-28-08. laparotomy
Review MOM 2 ounces if no BM by tomorrow am. Milk of Magnesium
Review Optia clear 2 drops od bid. Right eye Twice a day
Review Ensure 4 ounces per NG bid. nasogastric Twice a day