B ACKGROUND I NFORMATION : This is a 21 st century advertisement commissioned by the A&A Agency from Madrid, Spain. Executive Creative Director: Tony Fernandez Manes Creative Director: Jose Caballero Art Directors: Daniel Becerra, Alfredo Diaz, and Pedro Alonso
W HO DO YOU THINK THE PEOPLE ARE ? W HAT ARE THE DOING ? “ Drugs create a huge hole in your life” In this advertisement, there are two people sitting on the edge of a dock, feet hanging over the edge. However, there is only one persons reflection shown in the water below them. The ad is suggesting that the person with no reflection has been taken by drug abuse.
S O WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE ADVERTISEMENT ? The purpose of the advertisement is to capture the attention of those who know people who are victims of drug abuse and promote them to take action. The ad is suggesting that the drug addiction will not only effect the victim, but it will also effect those closest to them. This is conveyed by placing the second set of feet with no reflection, as if it displays the past and present.
W HAT PARTS ARE CLEARLY IN FOCUS ? W HY ARE THEY MORE IN FOCUS THAN OTHERS ? The obvious focal points are the feet. They are brought into focus because they represent the main idea of this image. The artist wants to draw your attention to the significance of the image.
W HAT EFFECT DOES THE SHADOW HAVE ON THE MEANING ? The shadow is one way the artist chose to display the life in the person. When sitting near water, a shadow is always there glaring back. So the shadow not only signifies life, but also the presence of an individual.
W ITH THIS CONCLUSION BEING MADE, WHY DOES THE OTHER TWO FEET NOT HAVE A REFLECTION ? W HAT EFFECT DOES THIS HAVE ON THE MEANING OF THE IMAGE ? Because there is no reflection, the artist is portraying the absence of that person. This absence could suggest that the person died physically or was absent from the persons life because of the bad decisions they had made.
W HAT DOES THE CONTRAST IN LIGHTING EMPHASIS ? W HY IS THIS SIGNIFICANT ? The bright lighting on the feet on the left side of the image signifies the life in the person. The darkness around the feet on the right signifies death, whether it is actual death or just the absence of the person. Even though there are instances that the lighting is brighter, the overall image is gloomy and dark. This is signifying the seriousness of the subject being portrayed.
A DJECTIVES THAT DESCRIBE THE BACKGROUND ? Because the background is very “normal” and easy for everyday people to connect to, it allows the issue to become more personal, more close to home. W HAT ADDITIONAL MEANING DOES THE BACKGROUND GIVE TO THE OVERALL MESSAGE OF THE IMAGE ?
W HAT IS LEFT OUT ? W HAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE OMISSION ? The reflection: By leaving the reflection out, the artist is signifying absence. Only the feet: Feet are less stereotypical. By only including the feet, the people are more acceptable to different cultural groups.
W HO DOES THIS VISUAL APPEAL TO ? W HO ’ S ATTENTION IS THE VISUAL INTENDED TO CATCH ? The intended audience is those who know someone who suffers from drug abuse and the victims themselves. It is trying to promote people to take action against this present day epidemic because it effects all of us whether we are the victims ourselves or the victim is someone close to us. C OMPARE THIS VISUAL TO OTHERS YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE PAST. W HAT MAKES THIS ONE DIFFERENT ? The image is trying to compel those who are not victims of drug abuse to take action while there is still time to save their loved ones.
T HIS AD WAS PUBLISHED BY THE A & A AGENCY AS A PART OF THE C OMMUNITY OF M ADRID ’ S CAMPAIGN AGAINST DRUG ABUSE. W HAT CREDIBILITY DOES THIS GIVE THE VISUAL ? This is a credible source because it is a government agency with the intentions of bettering the lives of the citizens of their community.
W HEN DO YOU THINK THIS PICTURE WAS TAKEN ? W HY WOULD THIS BE IMPORTANT ? This time period this image was created in helps the interpreter understand the context of the issue. Since this image has been taken within the last decade, we assume that we are dealing with a current issue. It helps us to understand the artists perspective of the subject as well.
W HAT EMOTIONS DOES THIS PICTURE INSTIGATE ? H OW DOES THE AD MAKE YOU FEEL ? The image is very compelling to the interpreter because of the strong emotions it portrays. The words used help to grab the readers attention while only the feet and the water create such a poignant example of what could be you tomorrow. By making this connection, the author is given such a great power to alter the way the interpreter thinks about the drug misuse.
W HAT LOGIC IS SUGGESTED THROUGH THIS IMAGE ? Whether you agree or disagree with the use of drugs, we all know the effects it can have on a person and their family. Because of the statistics and the common sense that surrounds this issue, we, as the people who are viewing this, see the content as the truth. Because of the simplicity, the true context can be considered and the compelling meaning will cause you to consider the presence of and the consequences of the use of drugs in your life.
B IBLIOGRAPHY Gozo. "Comunidad De Madrid - Campaign Against Drug Abuse." The Ad Collector (a.k.a. Add Shots). 27 Mar Web. 17 Sept Agency: A&A Madrid, Spain Executive Creative Director: Tony Fernández Mañés Creative Director: VirumCopy: Jose Caballero Art Directors: Daniel Becerra, Alfredo Díaz & Pedro Alonso