BEED Machinery, Energy & Sustainable technologies (MEST) Water and Environmental Systems (WES) Bioprocessing Infotronics and Structures (BIS) BEED RESEARCH GROUPS
Bio-processing, Infotronics and Structures (BIS) Bioprocessing Closed environments Bioinstrumentation & sensing Bio-information systems Industrial biotechnology Sustainable bio-production systems Bioproducts Packaging and distribution systems Biomimetics (bioinspired technology & products) Machinery, Energy & sustainable Technologies (MEST) Automation Machinery systems Biorobotics Renewable Energy systems Sustainability Engineering Precision Agriculture Water and Environmental systems (WES) Water and Sanitation Environmental conservation Irrigation ecology eng Environmental Impact assessment and monitoring Thematic Research Areas
Bio-processing, Infotronics and Structures (BIS) Prof. Kanali Dr. Mutwiwa Dr. Ondimu Dr. (Eng) Kituu Dr. Ajwang Eng. Njuguna Mr. anyangu Mr. Weru Machinery, Energy & sustainable Technologies (MEST) Prof. kanali Prof. Home Dr. Mutwiwa Dr. (Eng.) kituu Dr. Ajwang Dr. Ondimu K. Cherono Mr. Weru Mr. Anyangu Mr. Messo Water and Environmental systems (WES) Prof. Home Mr. Weru Mr. Messo Mr. Sang Mr. Mwangi Ms. Ndiiri Research Group Members