Spoilt for Choice: Research Methods May 15, 2007 Andy Wynne
Why research? Assess need Demonstrate need Influence policy Attract funding Promote change
Title Voluntary Sector Infrastructure and Social Enterprise in Greater Manchester
Objective Findings Dissemination Methodology
Objective To analyse the support needs of Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Organisations in relation to social enterprise
Context Social Enterprise Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Review Voluntary Sector service delivery
Findings Average turnover is £636,000 made up of: 87% grants 5% contracts and Service Level Agreements 5% trading 3% other
Desire to increase the percentage of income derived from trading to 17% over the next three years.
Pressure to move away from funding towards income generation
Fourteen organisations are intending to generate more of their own income. Seven consider the need to range from urgent to extremely urgent.
Only one organisation believes that it could generate 100% of its own income. Twelve organisations believe that the maximum percentage is 60% or less.
Findings: Support Needs Social audit and accounting58 Income generation strategies52 Full cost recovery50 Local Auth procurement/contracts50 Risk analysis49 Market research45 Costing and pricing structures45 Promotion of business culture45 Quality assurance45 Feasibility studies44
Dissemination Interviewees Websites – GM Voluntary Sector Support Consortium and Manchester Progressive Enterprise Network Newsletters GMVSS conference
Methodology Identify research sample Review Literature/Identify research questions Conduct semi-structured interview/questionnaire Analyse quantitative results
Methodology Analyse qualitative results Relate results to research questions and context Write report Make recommendations