Overview Changes Postal Service CSRS Funding to Prevent $105 Billion Over Payment Under Existing Legislation Transfers $27 Billion CSRS Cost of Military Service to USPS Places “Savings” (Difference Between New and Old CSRS Payments) in Escrow Beginning in FY 2006 PUBLIC LAW
Reports Required by Law USPS Use of “Savings” Beyond FY 2005 Funding CSRS Cost of Military Service – USPS or U.S. Treasury to Pay? PUBLIC LAW
Responsibility Should Revert to U.S. Treasury $17B Relates to Treasury Payments Made Between 1971 and % Relates to Military Service Prior To 1971 Establishment of USPS USPS Position on Military Service Costs USPS Only Agency Charged This Cost President’s Commission: “Taxpayers, Not Ratepayers, Should Finance Military Pensions” PUBLIC LAW
Use of “Savings” 2003/04 -- Liquidation of Debt Fund Expense Growth or Liquidate Debt PUBLIC LAW & Beyond – Hold in Escrow Pending Legislative Change
Law Requires Consideration of: Debt Repayment; Pre-funding Post Retirement Health Benefits; Cost Saving Capital Investments; Delaying/Moderating Increases in Postal Rates; Any other Matter; and Work of President’s Commission PUBLIC LAW Use of “Savings” After 2005
“…because the Postal Service still faces substantial obligations related to post- retirement health benefits for its current and former employees, some portion of the savings …should be used to address those unfunded obligations” PUBLIC LAW Sense of Congress Stated in Act
Escrow Requirement Creates New Over-Funding $3.2B Required to Fund FY 2006 Escrow USPS Opposes Escrow Requirement PUBLIC LAW USPS Position on Escrow Requirement
With Obligation for Military Service Costs Returned to U. S. Treasury, Pre-Fund Postretirement Health Benefit Costs of Employees and Retirees. PUBLIC LAW USPS Preferred Proposal Responds to “Sense of Congress” and GAO Concerns re Recognizing and Funding Costs when Earned.
Should USPS Be Required to Fund Military Service Costs: Pre-Fund Retiree Health Benefit Cost for New Hires Since FY 2002 Liquidate Debt Fund Cost Saving Capital Investments Pay Annual Retiree Health Benefit Premium Costs PUBLIC LAW USPS Alternate Proposal
$3.2B Escrow Requirement: Increases Rates 5.4% Increase USPS Preferred Proposal: Increases Rates 1.5% to 2.0% PUBLIC LAW FY 2006 Rate Impact of Proposals USPS Alternate Proposal: Increases Rates 0.3%
Military Service Costs: GAO Evaluation of USPS, OPM and Treasury Proposals Due November 29, PUBLIC LAW Next Steps Disposition of Savings: - GAO Evaluation of USPS Proposal Due November 29, Congress to Revisit Savings Issue Within 180 Days of Receiving GAO Report.