California LifeLine Program Update Presented by Communications Division Low-Income Oversight Board August 19, 2015
Participation Stats Current California LifeLine Wireless Providers: 1. Telscape Communications, Inc. 2. Budget PrePay, Inc. 3. Assurance Wireless 4. Boomerang Wireless, LLC 5. Nexus Communications 6. TAG Mobile, LLC 7. i-wireless, LLC 8. Air Voice Wireless, LLC 9. Total Call Mobile, Inc. 10. Telrite Corporation 11. Global Connections Inc. of America 2
Participation Stats cont. Recently approved Federal Lifeline wireless providers: 1. Sage Telecom (January 2015) 3
4 Participation Stats cont. Pending Wireless Providers (as of August 5, 2015) Federal Lifeline 1. TracFone Wireless, Inc. 2. Blue Jay Wireless, LLC 3. Curatel, LLC 4. American Broadband 5. QLink California LifeLine 1.TracFone Wireless, Inc. 2.Blue Jay Wireless, LLC 3. Curatel, LLC 4. TC Telephone, LLC 5. American Broadband 6. SelecTel, Inc. 7. Mobile Net POSA, Inc. 8. AmeriMex Communications Corp. 9. Excess Telecom, Inc.
5 Total Participants (End of July 2015) California LifeLine and/or Federal Lifeline Participants = 2,227,180 California LifeLine Wireless Participants = 1,512,245 Telscape 309,800 Participants Budget 429,219 Participants Assurance 282,070 Participants Boomerang 91,951 Participants Nexus 12,441 Participants Tag Mobile 62,489 Participants i-Wireless 181,734 Participants Total Call Mobile 55,102 Participants AirVoice 51,676 Participants Telrite 35,763 Participants California LifeLine Wireline Participants = 712,693
6 Total Participants cont. (End of July 2015) Federal-only Lifeline Wireless Participants = 2,242 Cricket 1,536 Participants Nexus 499 Participants Telscape 10 Participants Virgin Mobile 197 Participants
CA LifeLine Participants 7
8 CA LifeLine Wireless Participants (end of July 2015)
9 CA LifeLine & Fed Lifeline Participants (end of July 2015)
10 CA LifeLine Participation Rate (end of July 2015) CA LifeLine Approved Participants Estimated Eligible Participants* Participation Rate Wireline712,6933,059,17623% Wireless1,512,2453,059,17649% Wireline + Wireless2,224,9383,059,17673% * At or below 150% Federal Poverty Level, DOF provided based on the Census Data.
11 Enhanced Lifeline (End of July 2015) CA LifeLine CarriersSubscribers 1. Verizon59 2. Ponderosa28 3. Frontier Communications - of the Southwest14 4. Frontier Communications – West Coast12 5. Sierra Telephone12 6. Siskiyou Telephone7 7. AT&T4 8. TDS Telecom - Winterhaven2 Total138
12 Enhanced Lifeline cont. CA LifeLine Carriers As of 7/31/15 1. Verizon Ponderosa Frontier – SW Frontier – WC Sierra Telephone Siskiyou Telephone AT&T TDS – Winterhaven Champion Broadband Charter Frontier (Citizens) Siskiyou Volcano22220 Total1,1761,
13 Enhanced Lifeline cont. Process for a carrier to provide Enhanced Lifeline wireless: File Tier II Advice Letter Include supporting documentation Tribal Engagement Proof of the response from the Tribes Shapefiles Service areas Cell Towers Identify how extra federal funds will be utilized Disclosures Marketing Materials Schedule Of Rates And Charges Terms And Conditions
Universal LifeLine Telephone Service Trust Administrative Committee Purpose (pursuant to Pub. Util. Code § 277(a)) To advise the Commission regarding the development, implementation, and administration of ULTS program. To ensure lifeline service is available to the people. To carry out program under the Commission’s direction, control and approval. Meetings Meet quarterly Fiscal reports 3rd Party Contract reports Legal updates Public Comments Communications Division updates 14
Universal LifeLine Telephone Service Trust Administrative Committee Cont. Current Members 1. Large ILEC: AT&T California 2. Small ILEC: Calaveras Telephone Co. 3. Small ILEC Alternate:Sebastian 4. CLEC: Cox Communications 5. CLEC Alternate:Budget PrePay 6. Consumer (CHAIR):Consumer Action 7. ORA:Staff from ORA 15
16 Contact Information Anna Jew – California LifeLine Implementation (415) Consumer Affairs Branch (800) CA LifeLine Administrator (866) – English(866) – Korean (866) – Spanish(866) – Vietnamese (866) – Lao/Hmong(866) – Chinese (866) – Khmer(866) – Japanese (866) – Tagalog