Compounds Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) is produced when silver metal is dissolved in nitric acid. Sulfuric Acid is used to clean different metals to make jewelry. However, sulfuric acid doesn’t react with silver. But, it does react with hydrogen sulfide to produce silver sulfide which is similar to the tarnish on coins.
Basic Information Symbol: Ag Atomic Number: 47 Atomic Mass: 108 Silver is a metal.
Appearance Shiny Its color silver.
Uses Silver is a very shiny material, which can be polished a lot. Its slightly harder than gold. Its used for currency, and jewelry because of how it shines. When alloyed with metal, it makes amalgams which are used for dental fillings.
Medical Uses Silver Ions and Silver compounds can have a toxic effect on some bacteria, viruses, fungi, and algae. Before the use of antibiotics, they used silver compounds to prevent infection. The Phoenicians used to store wine, water, and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling
Clothing Silver nano particles are implemented into some clothes to kill bacteria to reduce odors. It is also used in clothes to prevent bacterial and fungal infections.
Trivia Silver was represented by a crescent moon in ancient times. Its melting point is C. Element Category: Transition Metal
Bibliography Dental Fillings Photo : Crescent Moon: Information: