“When is education not enough?” A review of challenging behaviour Vice-principals conference 21 st November 2013 John hunter
“ Special schools are constantly and currently seeking help and support to address the needs of a very small minority of pupils who present with significantly challenging behaviours which mask a litany of aggression, self harm and high anxiety”. BACKGROUND METHOD FINDINGS RECOMMENDATIONS
CHALLENGING BEHAVIOURS BACKGROUND “John will scratch, pull hair and head butt others. He will generally targets females, however, when agitated he will attack anyone in his reach including peers. He will also display self injurious behaviour, banging his head with extreme force against desks, windows etc. When stressed he can become verbally aggressive, shout and roar in a high pitched tone repeating a demand over and over.”
METHODOLOGY Three phases –Mapping out the extent of the problem –Structured discussion with principals –fieldwork “Mental illness seriously impacts on John’s quality of life”
Mapping the problem Those who challenge 524 Those who challenge but can be managed 104 Those who challenge and cannot be managed 63
Workshop discussion what works –space/chill out/outdoor facilities –staffing –communication strategy –multi disciplinary support –medication –third level support –lead co-ordinator- a champion ! With time resource and research!
Fieldwork complete and broad ranging teamwork, collaboration and ongoing discussion case study input Fact finding but solution based
Main Findings All pupil can behave positively for periods of time reducing extreme behaviours is difficult most need structure ; skilled staff; practical curriculum; above all multi-disciplinary assessment and intervention system to track and respond to need a consensus about long term needs – transition beyond school appropriate settings- space – suite - an agreed overarching strategic action plan a range of settings and staffing
What are schools doing well ? presenting a positive disposition –not giving up! best commodity is staff –remember burn out! programme framework –levels of support to met a hierarchy of need training and strategic planning –not always in place! auditing need - assessment framework? –Indicators to intervention recognition of limitations- – capacity building approach
What gives the headaches ‘a bad day’ no respite tolerance threshold curriculum compliance the waiting game and none came! retelling the tale Issues beyond your control –mental health –home
Conclusions The case for change is clear... we need to reduce stress on staff and schools support teacher and assistants establish comprehensive assessment of medical needs Collaborative accountability Better outcomes for pupils “a new approach is needed”
Recommendations To work towards improvement, a multi-disciplinary working group pilot new approaches invest in training on a M-D basis create networking platforms provide co-ordinated clustering DE/ELBs Trusts /DHSS/ to set out what services are available enable a monitoring and research system inform and brief all improve the quality of life of the pupils through better outcomes