How our SOA presents our sustainable development performance Partnership reporting mechanism to Scottish Government – working together to achieve common.


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Presentation transcript:

How our SOA presents our sustainable development performance Partnership reporting mechanism to Scottish Government – working together to achieve common aims Common priorities emerging (eg CC Act) Evolving over years – changing circumstances Based on local priorities and outcomes, and statutory duties Relevant indicators and actions supporting them FOR THE 2011/12 REPORTING PERIOD!

Common areas? Climate Change Act (Scotland) 2009 ◦ Partner climate change declaration Biodiversity duty ◦ LBAP, Greenspace Strategy etc Strategic Environmental Assessment Best value Community engagement & awareness raising

What works? 1.Someone has to... 2.gather it regularly (preferably annually)... a unit of measurement that means something to the reader 4.Indicators that show the progress of multiple local partners, and certainly more than one

What doesn’t work? Inclusion of individual organisational plans doesn’t work just now... ◦ Each organisation will have it’s own service delivery plans ◦ In the long term we will have the ability to collate these through COVALENT ◦ In the short term attention must focus on collective performance measures which otherwise wouldn’t be collated on a community wide basis

Exceptions? There are some exceptions which Scottish Government make clear that must be included in SOAs There are some things which several partners measure independently which, if a common measure can be found, can be reflected collectively now – have to ensure measures are comparable and avoid double counting

What will this exercise tell us? Which are our priority indicators that showcase our collective action in a meaningful way Which are useful individual contributions which organisations should be commended for and which we will ultimately look to capture through COVALENT in future Which are perhaps less robust indicators and we can recommend are reviewed Where we need to focus our development work (actions which need to be SMARTened, indicators which require to be aligned)

Thinking about our indicators Who has responsibility for gathering the data? How often is this undertaken and when? What is the unit of measurement? Which partners progress reflected? StrengthsEnergy AgencyNo. of pupilsEnergy Agency Council WeaknessesOutput rather than outcome measure Discrete piece of work which doesn’t involve wider partnership Action – Raise awareness in schools of energy efficiency and waste Indicator – No. of pupils receiving awareness lessons

Thinking about our indicators Who has responsibility for gathering the data? How often is this undertaken and when? What is the unit of measurement? Which partners progress reflected? StrengthsCouncil WeaknessesSee next answerYes or no – not an indicator but an action. Action is completed. Council Action – Develop and implement a new Local Housing Strategy for South Ayrshire Indicator – Development process completed and strategy produced

Thinking about our indicators Who has responsibility for gathering the data? How often is this undertaken and when? What is the unit of measurement? Which partners progress reflected? StrengthsLocal Biodiversity Action Plan Partnership Several partners are involved in the LBAP WeaknessesDo governance arrangements for this partnership ensure a clear main contact responsible for gathering this data? Progress towards an action an output rather than an outcome one action can be very different to the next Specific partners vary from action to action Action – Implement recommendations of the Ayrshire Biodiversity Action Plan Indicator – No. of LBAP actions completed, underway, or not started

Thinking about our indicators Who has responsibility for gathering the data? How often is this undertaken and when? What is the unit of measurement? Which partners progress reflected? StrengthsNHS A&AAnnuallyCarbon dioxide, tonnes WeaknessesNHS has been approached for this information but was unable to provide in 2010 NHS Action – NHS Ayrshire and Arran Reduction of Carbon Emissions from vehicle fleet Indicator – Tonnes CO 2

Do you have new indicators? Prepared some to show your own organisations progress towards the public sector climate change duty? Have other colleagues working on some? Required to report to other bodies / stakeholders / customers / clients? How do you know your organisation is performing? Can any of these answers help information this piece of work?

Next steps... Summary Review for 2011/12 reporting period but ground work needed now Evolving process – will always change to reflect existing and new priorities Our focus will be on positive, strong indicators which tell the story and help us deliver our joint outcomes Routes for other actions / indicators will also be highlighted We will feedback completed tables and recommendations prior to next partnership meeting Partnership discussion and development required at next meeting

Questions / Discussion Areas where partners can come together to add value?