4th Quarter Warm Ups Almost Finished!!!
Grammar Rule of the Week: ZBased upon your knowledge from this year, find the mistakes with apostrophes in the following sentences.
Pugilist (n): fighter; boxer The pugilists gloves ripped in the middle of the fight. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Pulchritude (n): physical beauty The girls pulchritude made everyone pale in comparison. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Queue (n): a waiting line, especially of persons or vehicles Its frustrating to wait in the queue at the license plate agency. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Recalcitrant (adj): stubbornly resistant to authority or restraint Many recalcitrant students were suspended in 08. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Journal Entry: Are people who stand by and watch crimes just as bad as those who commit them? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.
Grammar Rule of the Week: Based upon your knowledge from this year, fix the fragments or run-ons in the following sentences.
Remuneration (n): payment; reward He thought the remuneration was. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Reverie (v): daydream; being lost in thought While in a reverie. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Ruminate (v): to ponder; to think over She refused to ruminate about the situation she ended up making a bad decision. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Salutary (adj): promoting health; beneficial Apples are salutary to your health chocolate cake is not healthy. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Journal Entry: If the government decided to shut down all schools and forbid you to go to any school, what would you do? Explain your answer.
Grammar Rule of the Week: Based upon your knowledge from this year, fix the comma splices in the following sentences.
Sangfroid (n): poise and calmness, especially under strain During a crisis, his sangfroid was admirable, he never lost control. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Saturnine (adj): gloomy; surly The saturnine student was kicked out of class, he never came back. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Scintillate (v): to sparkle; to flash Her jewelry scintillated, the other girls were jealous. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Sibilant (adj): producing a hissing sound The sibilant tire went completely flat, Joe had to change it in the rain. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Journal Entry: How would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the best) as a speaker? Explain your answer, discussing your strengths and weaknesses.
Grammar Rule of the Week: Based upon your knowledge from this year, find the comma mistakes in the following sentences.
Somnambulist (n): sleepwalker The somnambulist, frightened her family at 3 AM. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Soporific (v): causing sleep Warm milk herbal tea and lullabies are soporific. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Taciturn (adj): disinclined to talk; silent The moody withdrawn student was taciturn. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Timorous (adj): easily frightened; timid The mouse was timorous and Julie was determined to catch it. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Journal Entry: If you could travel for free to any one country in the world, which country would it be? Explain your answer, discussing why you chose that country.
Grammar Rule of the Week: Based upon your knowledge from this year, find the subject- verb agreement mistakes in the following sentences.
Titanic (adj): huge; powerful Around the World in Eighty Days are such a titanic project. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Transpose (v): to reverse the order or place of The letters is transposed on that sign. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Truculent (adj): savage; fierce The students was truculent when told they had to write another research paper. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Truncated (v): cut off; shortened His speech were truncated when the fire alarm went off. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Journal Entry: How was your AWED journey different than what you expected? How was it the same? Explain your answer, giving details to support your response.
Grammar Rule of the Week: Based upon your knowledge from this year, find the verb tense mistakes in the following sentences.
Vie (v): strive; compete; contend She vied for first place, but she doesn’t get it. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Valor (n): courage; bravery He shows his valor when he saved the girl from the burning building. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Wanderlust (n): strong impulse to travel My travels this coming summer to China filled my wanderlust. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Xenophobia (n): fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners Joe experiences xenophobia when he went to Australia; he became taciturn and saturnine. Vocabulary Word for Today:
Journal Entry: So far, what was your favorite day you have experienced in this class this year? Explain your answer, giving details to support your response.
Verve (n): energy, liveliness Vocabulary Word for Today:
Virtuoso (n): person with unusual skill in any field; particularly in the arts Vocabulary Word for Today:
Grammar Rule of the Week: ZBased upon your knowledge from this year, find the verb tense mistakes in the following sentences.
Votary (n): a person devoted to something Vocabulary Word for Today:
Wanderlust (n): strong impulse to travel Vocabulary Word for Today:
Whet (v): to sharpen; to stimulate Vocabulary Word for Today: