ABC Insert Verification Audit Joel Meyer Press & Newsprint Manager South Florida Sun-Sentinel (The Sun-Sentinel Experience)
Getting Prepared Capital Investment In 2002 an investment of $13.5 million is made to upgrade Packaging equipment and planning systems. (2) GMA SLS 3000 high speed inserters (Daily Inserting). Prim Hall 56 hopper collator (Sunday Production). Quarterly Quality Audits In 2004 Tribune Publishing institutes FSI quality audit program for all business units. Seven day audit conducted at the reader doorstep. TMC audit. All audits were conducted by internal Finance Division.
Planning the Audit Things to Consider FSI Volume High vs. Low 1.Higher volume allows for a greater margin of error. 2.Lower volume allows for a much lower margin of error. Holidays Stay Away! Circulation Historically stable period. Most major advertisers order according to your ABC figures. The first step in the planning phase is selecting the date to conduct the audit.
Planning the Audit Assign a point person or persons to the process. Things to Consider Knowledge of Production Process (Packaging Manager) Able to answer questions 1.Planning Process? 2.Production Process? Knowledge of Circulation Process (Distribution Manager) Able to provide information to Auditors 1.Routes, Distribution Centers, Reports, etc.
Planning the Audit Walk through your entire process (Production Planning, Production and Circulation). Identify your weaknesses. Know your limitations. Create an Action Plan. Hold a meeting with ABC Audit Manager. Invite representatives from: 1. Advertising 2. Packaging 3.Transportation 4. Circulation
The Audit Production Stick to what you do best. Deviations to normal production process may result in errors. Over-communicate to team. Follow the Project Plan! Make sure you have a shortage or run out report in place. Know what is in-spec and what is out. ABC will only consider the specifications listed in YOUR rate card. Closely watch your zone breaks to ensure pure pallets/carts are being delivered to Circulation
The Audit Collection and Counting Escort the Auditors to the Distribution Centers. Be mindful of the field production process. Over-communicate to team. Have a plan for storage and transporting of packages. Be involved with the counting process. Have knowledgeable staff on hand during the counting process to answer questions. Keep track of errors during the counting process. ASK QUESTIONS!
Post Audit Building the Partnership The audit is a commitment each newspaper needs to make. Advertisers need to see the commitment and the results. Get involved with the audit process early. Establish open lines of communication with ABC and Audit Manager. Develop a self test procedure to ensure you have no surprises.
Results Tribune Publishing Sun-Sentinel98.80% Chicago Tribune98.70% Hartford Courant99.84% Orlando Sentinel99.14% Newsday99.81%