Luella Middle School January 2011 CLASS KEYS and PL Day
EQ: How will CLASS KEYS help us be our best? Prime Time: 1. Find your notebook with your name. Please do not move them around. 2. Use the appointment clock on top of the notebook and make 12 appointments with folks from around the school. Make sure you have at least one from each grade level, one special education teacher, one connections teacher, and one teacher from each content area.
Agenda for the Day 8:00-8:30Chik Fil A Breakfast Offerings 8:30-8:50Faculty Meeting in Media Center 9:00-9:50Module 1+ Module 2–Class Keys 9:50-10:00Break 10:00-12:00Module 3 – Self Assessment 12:00-1:00Lunch on Your Own 1:00-4:00“Common Assessments, Common Expectations, Uncommon Teaching”
Advisory/SIEP Presentations Thursday, January 13, Faculty Meeting Presentations by Teams Advisory/SIEP review Presentation - 5 minutes in length should include: Data you have collected and analyzed Show the data you used to analyze progress using charts, graphs, reports, etc. Strengths/weaknesses of your design and interventions to this point Have on hand rosters of students with attendance noted (not a part of the presentation itself, but available for review) You will have work time for this in Grade Level Meetings on 1/6 and 1/13
IRB- Second Semester Please sign up for a date and time for your next IRB on the calendar on the clipboard. Be prepared to discuss your progress first semester with Angel, CAM, and use of CA. Be prepared to present your next unit of study in Angel. Be prepared to answer the following questions: What did we, as a CAM, do well first semester with regards to common planning, building and using Angel, and collaborative assessment? What did we do poorly as a CAM with regards to common planning, building and using Angel, and collaborative assessment? What are 3 parts of using Angel that we will commit to doing as a CAM during Spring 2011? What are 2 specific things your CAM wants professional learning on with regards to your use of Angel, Common Planning, Common Assessments, or performance tasks?