How significant was the role of the Okhrana in maintaining the authority of the Tsarist state in the years before 1905?
Introduction Set context – define ‘Tsarist State’ – mention Nicholas II was the latest in a long line of Romanovs. Explain concept of autocracy. Explain briefly what the Okhrana was and how it was one of the four pillars and that weaknesses of opposition groups helped maintain Tsar authority. Explain what your essay will do.
Development Begin with Okhrana, explain the role of each of the pillars in helping maintain Tsarist authority. Explore necessity of these pillars working together to help suppress opposition. Second half of essay should involve an assessment of weaknesses of the opposition groups – mention the main three, their differeing aims and how their working together to oppose the authority of the Tsar difficult.
Conclusion Summarise your points and directly answer the question.