The end of the war brings an end to ordering, and a supply of workers. Postwar slump delayed because people want to spend. Lower prices in food and clothing. Many advertisers marketed harder.
General foods creates Betty Crocker. Cigarettes become more fashionable. Newer disposable products are introduced. Electricity and electric appliances make an appearance.
Many companies install the “buy now, pay later” idea. Charging and finance first appear in 1920s. Ford starts mass production and cuts costs. Assembly line changes production. New sales promotions. Small checking and savings accounts help People get loans. Ford rises to the top as a respected business Man.
Stock market seen as “Get rich quick.” Some are buying stock on credit. Stock prices rise. Companies depend on the funds from stock. Many farmers however are not thriving. Farmers ask for help, but don’t get it. Cars shorten travel times. Suburbs pop up, farmers use machinery, and life is changing.
Radio and film along with magazines and newspapers promote national fads. National sports heroes arise. The movie star is born. Some feel this is dangerous and too materialistic. Writers criticize it: Willa Cather, Sinclair Lewis, and H.L. Mencken. Others encourage a search for self: F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway.
Symbol of new urban life. Literary and artistic leaders emerged. Langston Hughes and jazz both came from H.R. “Flaming Youth” also comes about. Upper class college kids.
Flappers: Short skirts, short hair, too much rouge and lipstick. Sexuality in women rose and was blamed on the automobile. Traditional America fights back. Prohibition reduces drinking. Also creates speakeasies and bootlegging
The bible reveals God’s every word. Evolution is evil. Laws restrict immigration. Nativism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Semitism and fear of radicals makes K.K.K. grow. Violence continues American Indian Defense Association lead changes for Native Americans. Mexicans come into Southwest due to problems in Mexico.
Harding gives jobs to friends, and that backfires. Coolidge becomes President when Harding dies. Cuts federal spending, and hates government. Little in the way of foreign affairs. Coolidge does not run in Commercial efforts in Central America to intervene in politics. U.S. loans money to Germany so Germany can pay other countries. Avoided alliances