business plan Name: Date: Author: Version:
business plan This section is usually the first in your business plan but can be finalized when the other sections have been filled in. The executive summary briefly tells your reader where your company is, where you want to take it, and why your business idea will be successful. It addresses the what, the why and the how of your business. Questions to answer: – What does your business do? – What market need does your business solve? – What are the main reasons why your business will be successful? executive summary ! This slide provides information, it will not be visible in the presentation view
business plan executive summary
business plan Location and legal form The company profile should provide a high-level overview of the different aspects of your business. Questions to answer: Where is your company located? What is your company’s legal entity form? company profile
business plan Location and legal form company profile
business plan Mission, vision and past achievements The company profile should provide a high-level overview of the different aspects of your business. Questions to answer: What goals is your company trying to achieve? What is your vision and mission statement? What successes has your company already achieved? company profile
business plan Mission, vision and past achievements company profile
business plan customer analysis The customer analysis describes your target customers and the needs you fulfill Questions to answer: Who are your target customers? What are their key needs you want to fulfill? customer analysis
business plan Customer analysis market analysis
business plan Industry analysis The industry analysis considers the market in which you compete and market trends Questions to answer: In what market(s) do you compete? What are the key market trend(s) and how does that effect you? How large is your relevant market? industry analysis
business plan Industry analysis market analysis
business plan Competitive analysis The competitive analysis sketches your competitors and your competitive advantage Questions to answer: What qualifications make your business uniquely qualified to succeed? Who are your competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are your (sustainable) competitive advantages? competitive analysis
business plan Competitive analysis market analysis
business plan Products and benefits Here you include information about the specific benefits of your product or service and details about intellectual property when appropriate. Questions to answer: What are your products and/or services? … products
business plan Products and benefits products
business plan Branding and promotion Here you describe your branding and promotions plan and your distribution, i.e. how you will sell your products and services to customers. Questions to answer: What is your desired brand positioning? How do you plan to promote your company’s products and/or services? How will you sell your products and/or services to customers? marketing
business plan Branding and promotion marketing
business plan operations With operations you describe your key operational processes that your business needs to realize Questions to answer: What are the key operational processes that your organization needs to accomplish on a daily basis to achieve success? operations
business plan operations
business plan Planning Here you can write the business milestones that need to be accomplished over the next 1-3 years. Questions to answer: What milestones will you need to accomplish over the next 1- 3 years in order to achieve success? planning
business plan planning
business plan Management and staff Describe the members of your management team and key staff and their roles and why they are qualified to execute the business plan. If you have a board, you can also a description of its members. Questions to answer: Who are the key members of your management team Who do you still need to hire? Do you have a Board? If so, who is it comprised of? management & staff
business plan Management & staff management & staff
business plan Revenue model Here you describe your revenue model, i.e. how you will generate revenues. Questions to answer: In what ways do you generate revenues? finances
business plan Revenue model finances
business plan Costs & benefits Based on your revenue and cost estimations you can provide cost & benefit projections for the next 1-3 years. Be sure to include also the underlying assumptions. Questions to answer: What key assumptions govern your financial projections? What are your topline 3 year financial projections? finances
business plan Costs and benefits finances
business plan Required funding If you are seeking funding for your business, use this section to outline your requirements Questions to answer: How much money do you need to start and/or run your business? What are the primary uses of these funds? finances
business plan Required funding finances
business plan Appendix The appendix is used to support the rest of the business plan. It may contain detailed information on customers and technology or on product specifications. Also financial detailed financial information like income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements may be added. appendix