Structures & Strategies – week 8
How to Construct an answer What sort of plan would you construct prior to answering a question. Answer all sections appropriately. Maintain a thread throughout your answers, but do not repeat yourself. Provide a logical structure to the answer with all the content you wish to include.
AiFL Task You will be given 3 parts to a question over the course of this period. These 3 parts are pieces of the course we have been working on over the last few weeks. As a pair you must answer the first question. For the next question swap answers with another pair and complete question two. This will continue for all 3 parts. Be careful – answers must flow so you must read the previous answer and continue with the thread rather than possibly changing them.
Question Describe an attacking strategy you have used involving width, depth and/or delay in Basketball.(6)
Question Describe in detail, one method you have used to gather information on your attacking strategy. (4)
Question Discuss the strengths and weaknesses you found from your data collection when performing the attacking strategy. (6)