22nd APAN Meeting in Singapore [ ] 1 A short history of Agriculture Working Group Akira Mizushima National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
22nd APAN Meeting in Singapore [ ] 2 1. Promotion & intermediation of international research and educational projects for agriculture utilizing the APAN infrastructure. 2. Promotion of establishment of national organizations for agricultural informatics. 3. Management of shared databases among APAN members and other groups, including several database mirrors. 4. Promotion of international symposia and meetings for agricultural informatics. 5. Acceleration of collaborative activities with other APAN-WGs. 6. These objectives are carried out with other related organization such as Asian Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (AFITA), World Congress in Computer in Agriculture (WCCA), and Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nation (FAO). Objective of Agricultural Working Group
22nd APAN Meeting in Singapore [ ] 3 The journey in organizing the local AG-WG in 1999 Schedule and Venue (Number of attendants) 11 & 13 June Korea A talk with APAN chair and Rural Development Administration (RDA) 06 July Thailand (>32) Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute (KURDI) 08 July Malaysia (>24) AgroLink Communication Centre (Department of Agriculture) 10 July Indonesia (>100) University of Padjadjaran 12 July Philippines (>22) Information Technology Center for Agriculture and Fisheries (ITCAF)
22nd APAN Meeting in Singapore [ ] 4 Prehistory APEC Osaka Action said: - Given differences in needs and levels of development among APEC economies, strengthening Agricultural Technical Cooperation (ATC) is expected to lead to balanced agricultural development, resource utilization and conservation as well as improved food variety and quality MAFFIN elaborated a plan of Asia-Pacific Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries research network (AP-AFFnet) for A/CORE (Anytime anywhere, Collaborative Research Environment) MAFFIN requested the budget for the Philippines link to Japanese Government marked the beginning of “AP-AFFnet” APEC-TEL symposium (Tsukuba) APAN preparations meeting – JP, KR and AU (Tokyo)
22nd APAN Meeting in Singapore [ ] 5 History rd APAN meeting (Tokyo) st APAN meeting (Soul) nd APAN meeting (Tokyo) JP-PH link (768Kbps) opened by MAFFIN 5 th APAN meeting (Tsukuba) - The Agricultural Working Group (AG-WG) was formed th APAN meeting (Soul) - The Earth Monitoring Working Group became independent th APAN meeting (Singapore)
22nd APAN Meeting in Singapore [ ] 6 History th APAN meeting (Osaka) Bio-Mirror th APAN meeting (Canberra) th APAN meeting (Tsukuba) - MetBroker first presentation in APAN/AG-WG th APAN meeting (Beijing) - SIDaB (Satellite Image Data Base) - ANDES (Asia Pacific Network for Disaster Mitigation using Earth Observation Satellite
22nd APAN Meeting in Singapore [ ] 7 History th APAN meeting (Puket) - Natural Resource Area (NR) was formed th APAN meeting (Penang) th APAN meeting (Shanghai) - Filed Server first presentation in APAN/AG-WG th APAN meeting (Fukuoka) th APAN meeting (Busan) th APAN meeting (Hawaii) - AG-WG meeting held in Tokyo.
22nd APAN Meeting in Singapore [ ] 8 History th APAN meeting (Bangkok) th APAN meeting (Cairns) th APAN meeting (Taipei) th APAN meeting (Tokyo) th APAN meeting (Honolulu)
22nd APAN Meeting in Singapore [ ] 9 Thank you! Akira Mizushima National Agriculture and Food Research Organization To keep our history accurate, please give any materials related to our activities to the AG-WG chair for archiving.