Guiding Children’s Social Development OBJECTIVES I will be able to…. Analyze some aspects of social development from toddler to school-age Explore the development of gender identity and how that impacts social Development
Social Competence Socialization: Children who are well socialized are able to learn the attitudes, beliefs, and behavior patterns accepted in society. Children use their experience of these concepts to understand how to get along with others.
Social Competence Means being able to interact with others in a healthy way. A child’s first experience comes from interactions with family and other caregivers. Unhealthy relationships with parents and other family members makes getting along in the outside world more challenging.
Relating to Other Children Parents help healthy development by allowing children to play with others
Patterns of Social Growth Children grow socially in a predictable pattern (just like physical development)
Gender Roles & Identity 2 years old- Gender Identity: The sense of being a “boy” or “girl” Once gender identity is formed, gender stability is established- the realization that girls grow into women and boys grow into men. Children at this stage may have stereotypic behaviors- girls might only want to wear dresses, boys might only want to play with trucks. This is most evident at age 6. As they get older, their views on gender become more permanent.
Masculine or Feminine? What is the traditional role of men? What does it mean to be masculine? What is the traditional role of women? What does it mean to be Feminine? As a group work together to draw pictures and write words that describe traditional masculine/feminine roles. (see example on board)
Gender Differences “Culturally prescribed roles and behaviors” (The Developing Person, 2012) According to behaviorist and social learning theories, children learn to behave according to the rules of our society: children tend to be rewarded more for acting in ways that are “gender appropriate”. What happens when a child acts in a way that is “gender in appropriate”?
Many children however, do not fit into the traditional growth pattern. -transgender-child-choose-gender -transgender-child-choose-gender
Gender Identity,Gender Expression, Biological Sex and Orientation. You can be anywhere on any of these spectrums. You can move on these spectrums throughout your life, or even day to day. Only you can identify yourself. No one else can tell you “what you are.”
If a child acts outside his or her traditional role, should parents worry?
Patterns of Social Growth Toddlers at PLAY Parallel Play: playing beside one another, but not with each other Toddlers lack social skills necessary to play with each other Toddlers don’t share Large groups can be overwhelming Lack of language skills makes it difficult to play together
Patterns of Social Growth Preschool Age at PLAY As children grow and develop language and motor skills, their social skills also improve. Cooperative Play: Playing together at agreed- upon activities (playing “House”) Friendships-As temperament and personality are better defined, children are better able to adapt to one another Preschoolers have friends but the concept is not fully appreciated. Imaginary friends are common at this age
Patterns of Social Growth School-Age at PLAY Play well in groups Are not “team players” –personal success matters most Value peer approval Relationships are exclusive and inclusive: usually choose friends of the same gender, some peers are chosen, some are rejected
Friendships Forming and maintaining healthy friendships is a learned process Taking Turns Sharing Popularity- accepted or rejected? Peer Pressure Cooperative games- Age 4 Competitive games- Age 6 and up
Dealing With Diversity Appreciating differences Avoiding stereotypes Combating prejudice ***(as a caregiver we must first identify our own prejudices and misconceptions- why?)
Kindness to Animals Children who learn respect and empathy for animals, transfer those feelings to people Teach responsibility and love for other living things Cruelty to people in adult life often begins as cruelty to animals as a child
Teaching Manners Etiquette: rules governing socially acceptable behavior Teaching children the right thing to do at the right time, (when to say “Please” and “Thank you” General consideration for others Set a good example Practice in real life