Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) Team-Based Early Intervention Services Overview for Administrators ADMINISTRATIVE.


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Presentation transcript:

Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) Team-Based Early Intervention Services Overview for Administrators ADMINISTRATIVE

Contract Overview

Objectives 3 o Understand the administrative requirements of the new TBEI Contract o General o Facilities o Children/Families o Service Provision

AzEIP Policies and Procedures  Required by IDEA, Part C  Approved by OSEP  Cover all aspects of implementation of Early Intervention in Arizona Found on AzEIP’s Website:

Chapter 1: General Overview IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004)

6 Part A General Provisions Part B Assistance for Education for all Children with Disabilities Part C Provisions for Infants, Toddlers, and Families Part D National Activities To Improve Education for Children With Disabilities The 4 Parts of IDEA

United States Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

8 Lead Agency in Arizona is the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) DES/AzEIP Arizona Early Intervention Program

Lead Agency: Department of Economic Security (DES) Arizona Early Intervention Program DES * AzEIP * Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) ASDB *Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind ADHS Arizona Department of Health Services AHCCCS Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System ADE Arizona Department of Education *Provide direct services to eligible children

10 Chapter 2: General Supervision

Annual EIP Reporting Public Reporting Local Determinations Progress or Slippage Revise strategies Public reporting State Determinations Baseline Data Target Data Improvement Strategies Data Audits Program Self Reports Dispute resolution Data Site Review CAP/PIP TA Integrated Monitoring System State Performance Plan Local Reporting Annual Performance Report

Chapter 3: Early Intervention Services Chapter 4: Transition Emphasis is on activity settings that generate learning opportunities that lead to desired skills & behavior Promote child-participation in interest-based activity setting that have development-enhancing qualities Use evidence based practices Ensures successful transitions for families

Chapter 5: Technical Assistance 13 AzEIP TA System Personnel o DES/AzEIP Staff and Other Trainers o AzEIP Technical Assistance & Monitoring Specialists o AzEIP Family Technical Assistance & Monitoring Specialist o Technical Assistance Cadre

AzEIP Professional Development System Standards of Practice Personnel Qualifications General Supervision Technical Assistance System Chapter 6: Comprehensive System of Personnel Development

Chapter 7: Procedural Safeguards o Prior Written Notice o Consent o Confidentiality (FERPA) o Records o Surrogate Parent o Dispute Resolution

Chapter 8: Data Collection The collection of timely and accurate data: Provides information on how programs are performing Provides annual Report to Federal and State Agencies Assist in the evaluation of the effectiveness of Early Intervention Programs (EIP) Provides a mechanism for EIPs to track internal processes

Chapter 9: Financial Matters o Primary Funding Sources o Billing and Payment o Contract

o Contract Review by Staff o Subcontracts and Insurance o Personnel o Child Find/Public Awareness General Contract

o Serious Incident Reporting o Business Continuity/Emergency Plan o Programmatic Fiscal Controls o Sanctions General Contract, cont.

Facilities Operations Availability Communication Capabilities Software Requirements

o Grievance Procedures o Confidentiality Children/Families

o Responding to Legal Requests/Subpoenas o Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) Children/Families, cont.

o Coordination with community resources Providing Services

Other Contract Considerations: o Regions o Referrals o Culturally appropriate communication

Required forms: o AzEIP Forms o ?category=111&menu=98 ?category=111&menu=98