Fire Prevention Through Investigation and Other Functions
Objectives The non-traditional government functions that are sometimes assigned to fire prevention Bureau's the potential negative impact on the organization's mission of fire prevention the benefits of effective fire investigation the local, state, and federal agencies involved in the investigation of fires the various roles adopted by fire departments to investigate fires
Construction Regulation Structural engineering Mechanical engineering Electrical engineering Plumbing engineering Associated trades
Construction Regulation by FD Public safety emphasis 24/7 presence Meshing of cultures Engineering with emergency response Tactical expertise
Property Maintenance Codes Minimum standards existing structures Light, ventilation, space, heating, sanitation, protection from the weather, life safety, and fire safety Indoors and outdoors Property Maintenance Code Enforcement Concert with residential rental properties Required inspections 70-75% of civilian fire deaths and injuries occur in residences,
Hazardous Waste Investigation Fire prevention bureaus have been regulating the storage, handling, and use of hazardous materials Fire departments have been extinguishing fires and mitigating spills, leaks, and releases A wide range of materials, incidents, or situations.
Legal Authority to Investigate State statute Fire chief or officer in charge Investigates every hostile fire or causes it to be investigated Law enforcement powers May empower local fire marshals May derive power as a deputy state fire marshal
Outside Agencies Local or state police BATF FBI Postal inspectors NFPA 1033 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator NFPA 921 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations
Investigation of the Fire Scene Most commonly performed by fire departments Initial determination of the origin of the fire and the cause When the cause appears suspicious or involves criminal activity, assistance requested, and responsibility for the investigation assumed by others who have additional training and resources
Fire Scene Investigation trained personnel are assigned to investigate and process fire scenes. Incendiary causes The fire department representative becomes an expert witness for the prosecution.
Arson Arson is unlike other crimes. In order to prove arson, all accidental causes must be eliminated. Lightning, electrical, mechanical, and other ignition possibilities must be eliminated as possible causes.
Investigation Is Police Work Interviews, evidence collection, and case management Temperament and aptitude Fire investigators should receive self-defense Firearms Investigative and legal training
2000 Crime in the United States Crimes against people three times the closure rate of crimes against property. The difference is attributed to more extensive investigation efforts. Of the 78,280 arson offenses reported for 2000, only 16.5% were closed by arrest. Those who commit the crime of arson have only 2.4% more chance of arrest and prosecution than those who steal a motor vehicle.
Measuring Effectiveness The measure of effectiveness case closure rate, not the conviction rate. Best hope is 100% of the fires to be classified as accidental or incendiary The rate of conviction lies with the prosecutor and is beyond the control of the unit.
Summary The resources and culture of fire departments and fire prevention bureaus Construction regulation, hazardous materials regulation and investigation, and civil defense Mission of the fire prevention bureau The fire service has the greatest stake in determining the origin and cause of fires. Adequately trained and equipped