Investigation 9 Date: 11/6 LT: I can explain the relationship between elements and compound. Sponge: Throwback! How many different kinds of elements are in H O.
To do…
Part 1 What is an atom? Place magnets on board. All substances are made of elements. Particles of elements combine to make all substances. The basic particles of elements are called atoms. Each element has its own unique atom. I have put representations of several different atoms here on the board. Here is a hydrogen atom, a carbon atom, an oxygen atom, a sodium atom, and so on. Every element in the periodic table has its own unique atom.
Part 1 When two or more atoms of the same kind combine, the substance is an element. Any substance that is make of only one kind of atom is an element. Make several examples on the board.
Part 1 Here is another particle made of three atoms. How many different kinds of atoms are in this particle? Make on board. This is a representation of a water particle. It is a combination of 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom. Any particle made of two or more different kinds of atoms is a compound. Make on board.
Part 1 I’m going to make several different combinations on the board. You tell me – is it an element or a compound?
Add to your index… Element: substance made of two or more elements of the SAME KIND Compound: substance made of two or more DIFFERENT elements Bonds: force holding atoms together
Part 1 Lets use stickers to represent atoms! As you work through the assembly line, grab one of each sticker color. They’ve already been cut apart for you! Turn to NB page 107.
Part 1 Write the letters on the colored dots: Blue: H Orange: C Red: O Green: Cl Yellow: Na
Part 1
Go back to the chart and under the substance name, write element or compound.
Substance Name and Chemical formula Word Bank – NB 109
Investigation 9 Date: 11/9 LT: I can explain and give examples of a chemical reaction. Sponge: is this a compound or element?
To do…
Part 3 Throwback memory!! Did you ever make a model volcano? volcano/ volcano/ Do vinegar and baking soda react when mixed? What is your evidence? Introduce reactants and products – what are the reactants and the products. How long will the reaction last?
Copy in your index… Products: the ending substances in a chemical reaction Reactants: the starting substances in a chemical reaction Precipitate: substance that forms in chemical reaction making the liquid cloudy
Part 3 Notebook page 119. We are going to use this to start thinking about the lab! Only do number 1!
Part 4 NB page 123
Part 4 Clean up procedures Pour the acid and tablet out. Trash the cups. Return the syringe.
Copy below your sponge. Big idea… Chemical reactions stop eventually because the reactants are all broken up and rearranged! Chemical reactions always make new substances.
Investigation 9 Date: 11/10 LT: I can explain and give examples of a chemical reaction. Sponge: Is this equation balanced?
To do….
Add to your index… Conservation of mass: the mass of the products must equal the mass of the reactants in a chemical reaction; nothing is created or destroyed, just rearranged!
Lab: Cons. Of Mass page 124 and 125
Conservation of Mass Reading
Date: 11/11 LT: I can describe a chemical reaction in terms of atoms and molecules, substances, energy, and mass. Sponge: What is the difference between an element and a compound?
To do… Check HW
Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions Think back to the following investigations… Mystery mixture – what did you notice about the temperature? Physcial/chemical changes lab – road salt with water? timedia/chapter6/lesson7#exothermic timedia/chapter6/lesson7#exothermic
Copy in your index… Endothermic: a chemical reaction that absorbs heat Exothermic: a chemical reaction that gives off heat
Understanding Chemical Equations Worksheets
Quiz Study Guide Use your green book and notebook to fill in the defintions! Then answer the multiple choice as best you can
Quiz Study Guide Compound: particle made of two or more different kinds of element Element: particle made of one kind of element Bond: strong connection between atoms Reactants: starting substance in a chemical reaction Products: Substance produced in a chemical reaction Chemical Reaction: a process during which reactants are rearranged to make NEW substances
Date: 11/12 LT: I can describe a chemical reaction in terms of atoms and molecules, substances, energy, and mass. Sponge: Think back to labs with the syringes…what was the difference between an “open system” and a “ closed system”?
To do… Agenda
Last minute review!!! Brainpop: Conservation of mass ervation-of-matter.html ervation-of-matter.html 3 videos (not brainpop)
Quiz If you talk, you will receive a 0!
Part 2 Notebook page 115, Green Book page 63 – 68 Answer the questions as you read!
1. What is destroyed and what is created ruing chemical reactions? Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed! Atoms are rearranged in to new substances.
2. What are reactants and products? Write a reaction equation and label the reactants and products. The starting substances are the reactants. The ending substances are the products.
3. Write the equation for the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Use chemical formulas for the substances.
4. Methane is the main gas in natural gas. The products that form when methane burns are carbon dioxide and water. Write a balanced equation showing the combustion reaction when methane and oxygen react.
If time… Conservation of Mass Front of notecard… Watch the Harry Potter Clip (stop about 10 seconds before the end)… Write in complete sentences what is wrong with this clip using SCIENTIFIC VOCABULARY! Back of notecard… Use “Insta Snow” to explain the concept of conservation of mass. Write a complete paragraph (4 sentences) on your notecard. Think of scientific vocabulary that you could use (mass, reactants, products, reactions, etc). Study Jams (Elements and Compounds)