TEACHER’S NOTES : SMILE Rafael Nadal Issue EXERCISE 1 A compound word is two words written as one or joined by a hyphen. Sometimes they are two separate words but meaning one unit. Match the words to form a compound word. Then write the word out. 1. well hostess 2. out ship 3. air up 4. slip being 5. friend side 6. gentletable 7. Frenchdefence 8. firstman 9. timeclass 10. self fries ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ well-being outside air hostess slip-up friendship gentleman French fries first class timetable self-defence Note: first class will be hyphenated if it is before a noun e.g. first-class seats
TEACHER’S NOTES : SMILE Rafael Nadal Issue EXERCISE 2 1. Smiling is a survival ________________. 2. A smile consists of the __________________ muscle pulling up the corners of the mouth 3. The ______________ muscle creates the appearance of “crow’s feet” or wrinkles around the eyes. 4. A genuine smile is called the ______________. 5. A ______________ tends to raise the corners of the mouth to different heights – making the face appear asymmetrical. D smileorbicularis oculi zygomatic majorNon-D smile strategy zygomatic major orbicularis oculi D smile non-D smile
TEACHER’S NOTES : SMILE Rafael Nadal Issue The lessons are extracted from Just English Magazine Vol.6 Issue 4 and sponsored by ELS Language Centres Malaysia