Type and specific of game network servers Created by Ruslan Yavdoshak for Nikitova Games, 2008
Massively multiplayer online Game hasn’t finish Neverwinter nights – first “big” commercial game 1991 – 50 online, 1995 – 500, 1997 – 2,000 on Ultima Online. Record was saved: client in one world (EVE Online) 12 millions WoW subscriber Non MMOG has less 50 player Social, Economic
Type of MMO MMORPG (WoW has 60% subscriber of MMO) MMOFSP (World War II, The Agency, PlanetSide) MMO Rhythm (MMORG. Idea was influenced by Dance Dance Revolution) MMOMG (Manager game.) MMOR (Racing. Test Drive Unlimited. Darkwind: War on Wheels) MMOT (Tycon. Browser base game) MMOS (Social. Second Life. Club Caribe) MMOVS (Virtual Sex. Middle of RPG & Social give primacy of some aspect of sex and sexuality. Red Light Center has 300,000 subscriber and is in in betta) And other: Card, Puzzle, simulators)
FPS :: First person shooter Valve, Unreal, Battlefields Transport: UDP Lag compensation (Zero Ping) P2P, Dedicate server, broadcast Send timestamp
RPG :: Role-Play TCP Rare UDP in battle (exmp: DAoC server) Active Walk System Multi servers MMO, MUD category Most popular in GameDev
RPG :: Role-Play
RTS :: Real-Time Strategy UDP – snapshot of current location TCP – Global Game event BattleNet
Race Server UDP/TCP Most difficult for creation Has several stream with different priority Inertia Lot failed projects Event in future EVE Online – not RC, but is best “live” example satisfy all benefits of RC server
EA Library In general network (online) is used in such tasks: AI Cover + Network physics Exchange messages and data block Data Sharing Interface of file handling Multimedia Network uses the game modules: Allocator Sku - Part of SKU uses as config of network.
Atum/NUN Server Homemade MMO server Server without rollbacks Enhanced game security Using multiprocessors technology Fast C++ primitive, strict module system Investigated popular technology
Atum/NUN server
Auth Proxy system University Network: 4000 workstation students, scientific, other worker Limit internet channel More system where registration is required (Library order, Testing, Access to some material) Need logs for all them
Problems: More than 1000 (TCP) connection Database locking One host Rewritten to : SSL authorization UDP exchange message Multi servers support