Standard: b. Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP), economic growth, unemployment, Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflation, stagflation, and aggregate supply and aggregate demand. Essential Question: How is the Consumer Price Index Calculated? Who does it hurt? Who does it help? Warm up: Determine the rate of inflation for the following situations. a. CPI 2000 – 100/ CPI b. CPI 2004 – 114/ CPI 2005 – 120
GDP=C+G+I+NX Total dollar value of all FINAL goods and services produced within a country in a given year Nominal vs Real GDP
Expansion Peak Contraction (Recession/ Depression) Trough
Shifters of AD GDP=C+G+I+NX Shifters of AS Productivity Input costs Change in labor force Taxes/Regulations What does Real GDP and Price Levels do?
Types of unemployment -Cyclical-Business cycle -Structural-Skills -Frictional Labor force=employed+unemployed Not in the labor force Unemployment rate=unemployed/labor force
Inflation-general rise in prices When inflation occurs purchasing power decreases Demand Pull Inflation Stagflation/Cost Push Inflation Hyperinflation Hurt vs. Helped
CPI % change formula