Arizona Immigration Law Instant Expert assignment By Cammie Sammartino
What is it? Signed by Gov. Jan Brewer on April 23, it is a law that requires all immigrants in the state of Arizona to carry their alien registration documents and allows the police to question anyone they think are here illegally. It also explains the crimes and penalties for transporting illegal aliens, trespassing by illegal aliens, harboring unlawful aliens or hiring illegal aliens.
People against the Law say... ~ It will hurt the travel industry Ex: Due to a decreasing demand, Aeromexico has suspended flights to Tucson and Phoenix. Officials in San Francisco are urging residents to boycott Arizona. ~ It is simply a 'hate' law that legalizes racial profiling. ~ It gives the police too much power. ~ It will lead to an increase in hate crimes. ~ May set a precedent for other border states. Ex: In 1994, California's Proposition 187 would have denied health benefits, education and welfare benefits to illegal immigrants. It was not successful, but they may try again.
People for the Law say... ~ The law will keep out drug smugglers, gang members and 'bad people.' ~ Sen. Russell Pearce, the bill's sponsor, said it is simply enforcing a rule already on the books. He argues that police have always had the authority to question citizenship status. ~ Gov. Brewer said police will undergo special training to avoid racial profiling. ~ It protects honest, law-abiding citizens who are affected by the “government's incompetence to resolve the porous border,” according to Peter Roff.
At a Glance ~ Arizona is estimated to have 337,000 illegal immigrants who make up about 9 percent of the state's population. ~ California has the most illegal aliens, with an estimated 2,209,000. Arizona is sixth on the list, but second when it comes to the per capita rate. Arizona has an estimated illegal aliens per 100 people. ~ The United States is estimated to have nearly 7 million illegal aliens. ~ With this new law, transporting relatives who are illegal is also considered a crime.
Impact ~ In Arizona, riots and protests have erupted in response to the bill. ~ Obama has ordered that the law be reviewed and called it 'poorly conceived.' ~ John McCain, who previously supported citizenship for the nation's illegal immigrants, is now fighting for a crackdown on illegal aliens as he pushes for re- election. ~ Many officials state that the government's poor response to the border situation has pushed states like Arizona to enact tougher laws as a solution. ~ Pima County Sheriff refuses to enforce a law he calls 'racist.'
Tips for Editors ~ Focus on how this law will affect other border states. ~ Make sure to present both sides of the argument in a story, even if it is hard to find those who are for the law. ~ Good sources to interview include: police officers, relatives of illegal immigrants, economic development experts, government officials, regular citizens in the community
Social Media
Social Media continued ~ az, supportarizona and isupportarizona also became hashtags, as of 4/25, 4/26 and 4/27
Visual Aids mm-people-estimated-number-illegal-immigrants E_GRAPHIC.html
Resources pshs.doc.htm