Stourbridge Primary Center First Grade Curriculum Night Tuesday September 23, :30-7:30 Mrs. Panza
Specials Teachers: Music-Mrs. Alicia Moyer–Mon. Technology-Mrs. Lorene Koch/Guidance/Mrs.Lisa Corcoran – Tues. Library-Mrs. Heather Frigoletto-Wed. Art-Mr. Jason Smith-Thursday Physical Education- Mr. Dan Patrisso- Friday
First Grade Curriculum Americas Choice Readers Workshop- Reflecting the most current research on effective reading instruction this structure provides time for instruction, independent work and individual conferences. Guided Reading- “Growing through the Seasons” Science and Social Studies based reading program. Word Study- Sight Words, Word Families and Fountas and Pinnell Phonics (research based phonics program) Americas Choice Writer’s Workshop- A carefully sequenced, program that provides targeted, systematic instruction and daily practice in writing.
Homework Weekly Word Lists 3-5 words per week Parent assistance needed to practice Instant recognition is key Words on cards; review weekly
Reading Logs Read with your child at least 10 minutes each evening. M-W. Poetry binder will be sent home on Thursday to read, please return on Friday. Record information on reading log. Occasionally I will send their reading group book or a classroom book home to read as well.
First Grade Curriculum Math (PA Common Core Standards) Everyday Mathematics - Chicago Math -a researched based program that covers a number of skills and concepts with attention to numeration,computa- tion,geometry,data and algebraic thinking. -program fosters a development of mathematical intuition and understanding. It uses manipulatives and real world activities. -the curriculum uses a spiral approach to mathematical concepts.
Home Work: Math Home Links *Parent assisted activity. *Monday-Thursday *Occasional test prep.
Report Card Conferences Thursday, November 6 th No School for children Please indicate on sheet which time frame is best for you: *8:00-9:30 *10:00-12:00 *12:45-3:15
Behavior Plan 1.Based on School Wide Effective Behavior Strategies (SWEBS) Ready, Respectful, and Responsible. 2.Please check the calendar in your child’s folder every night and sign. 3.Designed to build self-monitoring skills 4.Expected behaviors are modeled and reviewed daily. Reasons are also given. 5.Upward movement always exists. 6.“Gold Stars” are for random acts of kindness throughout the day. (Rachel’s Challenge) 7.Stourbridge Star “Blowout” monthly.
Cafeteria and Lunch Money Mrs. Leinert collects money in the morning. You can add money to your child’s account at any time. You will receive a yellow envelope with a $ amount if your child’s account has a negative balance. Menu for lunches and breakfast sent home monthly.
Recess We go out for recess. Please dress your child for the weather. Snow pants, boots, hats and gloves are a must in the winter! LABEL EVERYTHING
Snack A healthy snack(no candy,cake, cookies etc.) A water bottle(sport cap to avoid spills is appreciated) Please do not send juice or soda
Wish List Chlorox/Disinfecting wipes to clean the desks (I use them ALL the time) Glue Sticks Please do not send in hand held pencil sharpeners or refillable pencils. Chlorox/Disinfecting wipes to clean the desks (I use them ALL the time) Glue Sticks Please do not send in hand held pencil sharpeners or refillable pencils.
Field Trips Roba’s Tree Farm- Date Tues Cost per child $5.00 Bagged lunch Dress for the weather. I wish I could take everyone, but we have to set a limit to 5 chaperones. Other trips will be announced.
Notes,Notes,Notes and more notes! Please notify the school in writing of any day to day transportation changes. A written excuse for any days of absence Changes in address or phone number. Please update the Nurses office with any medical updates or concerns as well as allergies, medications or any medical issue that will require attention during the school day.
Reminders from Mrs. Brennan Parent drop off in the morning is no later than 8:20. School Sale support is appreciated as it funds our field trips and programs. Money/order forms are due Friday. Complete any missing paperwork/emergency cards on this night. School insurance is available through SKIER. If anyone is interested in purchasing, please contact the office tomorrow.
Thank You! For your support!