How do you gather evidence to support your argumentative essay?
In this lesson you will learn how to collect evidence to support your thesis by using observations, statistics, quotations, personal interviews, and questions.
Let’s Review Finding Supporting Evidence Choosing a topic
A Common Mistake Making a claim without any evidence to back it up. Topic: School Lunches Topic: School Lunches Because I said so Not enough food
Core Lesson Ask and list, “What type of information do I need to convince my reader that my thesis is correct?’ 1 2 Get supporting evidence by reading texts, interviewing, and searching online. 3 Jot down where the evidence comes from so the reader knows to believe it!
School lunches need to be improved, because the food does not taste good, students are not given choices, and the food is not healthy. What evidence will I need to make a convincing argument? Quotes from classmates Examples of menu Nutritional information Benefits of healthy eating
Core Lesson Quotes from classmates Examples of menu Nutritional information Benefits of healthy eating Maybe I can do an internet search? Search Phrases: Many school districts serve lunches that have twice the recommended amount of sodium. school lunch nutrition unhealthy
Core Lesson Quotes from classmates Examples of menu Nutritional information Benefits of healthy eating How do I use the sources I selected ? What do you think about the taste of school lunch? How do you feel about the food options that the cafeteria offers? Do you think our school lunches are healthy? I’m always hungry after lunch, because they have the same food everyday.
Core Lesson I’m always hungry after lunch, because they have the same food everyday. Many school districts serve lunches that have twice the recommended amount of sodium. Monday: Chicken Fingers; Tuesday: Cheeseburger Wednesday: Chicken Patty; Thursday: Pizza; Friday: Turkey Sandwich
Core Lesson I’m always hungry after lunch, because they have the same food everyday. Many school districts serve lunches that have twice the recommended amount of sodium. Monday: Chicken Fingers; Tuesday: Cheeseburger Wednesday: Chicken Patty; Thursday: Pizza; Friday: Chicken Nuggets How do I get people to believe my evidence? (Susan Otero) “ ”“ ” (School Lunch Menu) (
Core Lesson Ask and list, “What type of information do I need to convince my reader that my thesis is correct?’ 1 2 Get supporting evidence by reading texts, interviewing, and searching online. 3 Jot down where the evidence comes from so the reader knows to believe it!
In this lesson you learned how to collect evidence to support your thesis by using observations, statistics, quotations, personal interviews, and questions.
Guided Practice School lunches need to be improved, because the food does not taste good, students are not given choices, and the food is not healthy. Where else can you look for evidence? When you take notes, make sure to include your sources. What is your evidence?
Extension Activities With a partner, read an article from the op-ed section of your local newspaper. Make a list of the evidence the author used to support his/her position. Was this information believable? Explain, why or why not.
Extension Activities With a partner, come up with reasons you think you should be able to vote. Make a list of what kind of information you might need to support your position. Then, do a quick search on the internet and write down 2-3 pieces of evidence. Make sure to note where you got this information.
Extension Activities Pick your favorite singer or sports team. Now, come up with reasons why they are the best. Make a list of evidence, along with the sources you used for this list. Then, ask yourself, “Would I be able to convince a classmate of my position?”
Let’s Review Quick Quiz On your own, think of a topic you want to argue. Collect evidence to support your thesis by using observations, statistics, quotations, personal interviews, and questions.