Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/2011 Large field of view and ELTs: an impossible marriage? Paolo Ciliegi (INAF -OABO) on behalf of the MAORY team Multi conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY for the E-ELT INAF (OA-Bologna, OA-Padova, IASF-Bologna, OA-Arcetri) Università di Bologna Office National d’Etudes et des Recherches Aerospatiales European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Emisphere Tomelleri s.r.l.
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/2011 OUTLINE MAORY OVERVIEW : the multi conjugate adaptive optics module for ELT THE LARGEST POSSIBLE FIELD OF ELT from GLAO to DIFFRACTION LIMIT SYNERGIES BETWEEN SURVEY FACILITIES AND ELT.
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ What is MAORY? Multi conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY for the E-ELT Corrected field of view –Central unvignetted 53"x53" –Maximum requested field Ø=120" –Technical field Ø=160" for Natural Guide Star search Wavefront sensing –6 Sodium LGS WFS LGS projected from M1 edge –3 NGS WFS Wavefront correction –Telescope M4 + M5 –2 post-focal deformable mirrors (4km, 12.7km) Output ports for science instruments –Gravity invariant with mechanical derotation for MICADO –Lateral port for detached instrument (no mechanical derotation)
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ What is MAORY? Client instruments –MICADO High angular resolution camera (and slit spectrograph) Precision astrometry and photometry Required AO correction: uniform with high sky coverage Wavelength range µm. Field of view: 53" 53" MAORY thermal background < 50% (telescope + –SIMPLE High spectral resolution IR spectrograph Required AO correction: on-axis with high sky coverage –Others
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Overall layout Pre-focal station Nasmyth platform MAORY MICADO Gravity invariant port Lateral port Area for detached instrument
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Post-focal relay
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Performance – Strehl Ratio Ks 2.16µm H 1.65µm J 1.215µm I 0.9µm Seeing 0.8 arcsec Seeing 0.6 arcsec MAORY vs. ATLAS ATLAS performance courtesy of T. Fusco
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Performance – Enclosed Energy Seeing 0.8 arcsec Ks 2.16µm H 1.65µm J 1.215µm I 0.9µm Wavelength EE 54 27 mas µm µm µm µm0.08 SIMPLE on-axis slit Seeing 0.8 arcsec
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Performance – Sky coverage Although we have 6 LGS projected from M1 edge, we still need Natural Guide Stars (NGS) for Tip Tilt correction Sodium layer effects
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Sky coverage…. where to search NGS MICADO 53” MAX FOV 160arcsec 20” NGS WFS
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Sky coverage evaluated at North Galactic Pole Reference conditions: Seeing 0.8", L 0 = 25m Random star counts generated by TRILEGAL code 3-NGS asterisms formed for each trial down to H ~ 21 “Best” asterism chosen. Figure of merit for each NGS asterism –Measurement noise –Temporal error –Anisoplanatic errors (NGS positions and uneven brightness) Each star is assigned the Strehl Ratio value corresponding to its position in the NGS seach field Ø = 160" Strehl Ratio comes from MCAO correction ( µm) Performance – Sky coverage
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Performance – Sky coverage Minimum field-averaged Strehl Ratio Science field 53" 53" (MICADO) Sky Coverage KsHJI % % % <0.0170% <0.0180%
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ THE LARGEST POSSIBLE FIELD OF ELT LARGE FIELD OF VIEW AND ELT : AN IMPOSSIBLE MARRIAGE ?
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ THE LARGEST POSSIBLE FIELD OF ELT The actual imaging camera designed for E-ELT is MICADO characterized by superb capabilities in terms of sensitivity (K ~ 30 mag AB, 5 sigma, 1-2 ours) resolution (3 mas pix scale) and astrometric precision. LARGE FIELD OF VIEW AND ELT : AN IMPOSSIBLE MARRIAGE ?
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ THE LARGEST POSSIBLE FIELD OF ELT The actual imaging camera designed for E-ELT is MICADO characterized by superb capabilities in terms of sensitivity (K ~ 30 mag AB, 5 sigma, 1-2 ours) resolution (3 mas pix scale) and astrometric precision. The Micado Field of view is 53 x 53 arcsec. LARGE FIELD OF VIEW AND ELT : AN IMPOSSIBLE MARRIAGE ?
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ MICADO 53’’x53’’ 53 x 53 arcsec field with a spatial resolution at the diffraction limit level and a 3 mas pixels size is an impressive, huge field of view that will open new frontiers in may astronomical fields (see Greggio and Fiorentino talks)
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ MICADO 53’’x53’’ 53 x 53 arcsec field with a spatial resolution at the diffraction limit level and a 3 mas pixels size is an impressive, huge field of view that will open new frontiers in may astronomical fields ….but of course is not a survey facility….
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ WFI ESO 2.2m 2040’’ x 2040’’ (34’ x 34’) MICADO 53 x 53 arcsec 2 MASS 8.5’ x 8.5’ ACS HST 202’’x202’’ WIRCAM CFHT near infrared 0.3’’/pixel 20’ x 20’
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Large deep imaging surveys have formed the backbone of extra-galactic survey for the last years and there is no reason to expect this to change dramatically in the coming years. LSST VISTA VST SASIR Can we image a Wide Field Imager for ELT that can play a direct role as survey facility? Network Program “ Wide Field Imaging at the E-ELT : from GLAO to diffraction limit” PI. M. Arnaboldi (ESO) (E-TRE-ESO ) WFI at the ELT
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ We investigate the possibility for a Wide Field Imager exploiting the full MCAO corrected field MICADO 53” MAX FOV 160arcsec NGS WFS 90 x 90 arcsec Pixel scale : 8-10mas Balance between NGS search field Number of detectors
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ Sky coverage Minimum field-averaged Strehl Ratio Science field 90" 90" Sky Coverage KsHJI % <0.0120% N/A31%
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ ELT and Large Field of view Maximum field of view at a resolution slightly worse than diffraction limit (8-10 mas pixel scale) is about 90 x 90 arcsec. We can reach bigger field of view (tens of squared arcmin, 5’x5’) but we must accept moderate resolution at the level of the GLAO correction. These numbers confirm the difficulty of the giant telescopes to work alone as survey facilities, highlighting the absolute need for synergies among different facilities.
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ SYNERGY --- MAORY and NEAR INFRARED SURVEY Which is the fundamental “food” for MAORY ?
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ SYNERGY --- MAORY and NEAR INFRARED SURVEY In our sky coverage calculation, we simulated the availability of a deep (down to H=21) infrared catalogue For real observations we need real deep catalogues with: Reliable stars/galaxies separation. Accurate position (NGS probe have a FoV of 3’’) These catalogue must be already available at the time of the proposal in order to check the NGS asterism. Deep near infrared catalogues will be a fundamental input that forthcoming survey facilities like VISTA and SASIR must provide to ELT. Which is the fundamental “food” for MAORY ?
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ CONCLUSION THE COUPLED MAORY + MICADO IS A FANTASTIC TOOL IN TERMS OF STREHL RATIO, EE, SENSIBILITY RESOLUTION AND ASTROMETRIC PRECISION …HOWEVER WITH A FOV OF 53 X 53 arcsec is not an instrument for surveys
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ CONCLUSION THE COUPLED MAORY + MICADO IS A FANTASTIC TOOL IN TERMS OF STREHL RATIO, EE, SENSIBILITY RESOLUTION AND ASTROMETRIC PRECISION …HOWEVER WITH A FOV OF 53 X 53 arcsec is not an instrument for surveys We investigate the possibility for a Wide Filed ELT. At resolution slightly worse than diffraction limit the maximum FoV is ~ 90 x 90 arcsec, while at GLAO resolution is 5 x 5 arcmin. …. So Large Field of views and ELT seems to be an impossible marriage !!!
Conference “Feeding the Giants: ELTs in the era of Surveys” -- Ischia 31/08/ CONCLUSION …. This impossible marriage implies that the synergies between survey facilities and giant telescopes are fundamental. As an example we show that large (possible all sky) deep (H~ 21) near infrared catalogues are a fundamental input that forthcoming survey facilities must provide to ELT THE COUPLED MAORY + MICADO IS A FANTASTIC TOOL IN TERMS OF STREHL RATIO, EE, SENSIBILITY RESOLUTION AND ASTROMETRIC PRECISION …HOWEVER WITH A FOV OF 53 X 53 arcsec is not an instrument for surveys We investigate the possibility for a Wide Filed ELT. At resolution slightly worse than diffraction limit the maximum FoV is ~ 90 x 90 arcsec, while at GLAO resolution is 5 x 5 arcmin. …. So Large Field of views and ELT seems to be an impossible marriage !!!